Eminox LEZ exhaust

We are looking to fit an Eminox CRT exhaust to upgrade our truck to euro 4 for london.
Does anybody have any experience in running/ maintaining the eminox exhaust?

I had one fitted to my v8 Actros,every year the emissions were 0, About a month before test take the filter out,give it a bash and clean,put it back the other way up. That’s all i ever did.

how much are these? :question:

This was years. cost around 4k but the government were doing grants for em,im sure they paid around 70% of the bill.

What lorry have you got. We’re just getting rid of 2 volvos. One is a 3.9 wheelbase with the drum behind the steer, the other a 4.1 with a stack. Might be able to do you some sort of deal. I know they were about 4k each in 2010

PM’d you Ovlov J

just sold a daf lf with eminox crt on wiil only take you thru to end of sept 2014 on euro 4 emissions were zero on test .

Hasnt borris extended euro 4 for trucks but busses need euro 5?

just sold a daf lf with eminox crt on wiil only take you thru to end of sept 2014 on euro 4 emissions were zero on test .

He’ll be out of step with the rest of Europe then
All the Euro countries grant an LEZ certificate for the life of the truck,i.e,if it got a Green Sticker it will always have a Green Sticker until it gets scrapped…