Edinburgh Bypass Upgrade

The roundabout at the start of the bypass, sherriffhall roundabout, at the Dalkeith turn off is being upgraded ,eight weeks of road works !!! Its bad enough just now but this will be a nightmare as it will be down to 2 lanes.

The roundabout at the start of the bypass, sherriffhall roundabout, at the Dalkeith turn off is being upgraded ,eight weeks of road works !!! Its bad enough just now but this will be a nightmare as it will be down to 2 lanes.

It will be a nightmare willie but the way i look at is after the work is done it should be a lot beter than it is now.
What really gets my goat is those bloody utility companies , there’s one working outside our industrial estate in Hamiton just now, they’ve been there since april , tossers the lot of them, how long does it take to dig a ■■■■■■ hole and put a pipe in . :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

What they doing to the roundabout ?

Are they making it an grade seperated junction, having the city bypass go over the top of it or somthing?

dont like this round about at the best of times, its a bit tricky going southbound - with the traffic lights being so close to the kerb you have to steal a wee bit of room from the other lane - ive seen many a bump there - why dont they stagger major roadworks instead of all at once ie kincardine(forever),kingston bridge, the A90 at invergowrie, dundee kingsway - and the a92 towards cupar spent 40 minutes in that today great fun :laughing:

I can’t wait for the N25 to be built around Norwich, it would make accessing the top of the county far easier than messing about on the city ring road.

The roundabout at the start of the bypass, sherriffhall roundabout, at the Dalkeith turn off is being upgraded ,eight weeks of road works !!! Its bad enough just now but this will be a nightmare as it will be down to 2 lanes.

Its gonna be a shambles. Seafield road at Portobello Roundabout is a nightmare at the moment with the roadworks there.

Does anyone know why they are digging up sherriffhall??

Putting more lanes in, Colin is Winton transport still on the go?

Putting more lanes in, Colin is Winton transport still on the go?

Never heard of them pal. Only hauliers near me in Tranent is Flynn`s, or there is someone in Ormiston, but I dont know the name of them.