Easy or Hard


Is it “Easier” because you have a “Planner” doing all the routes and times for you…where you arrive on Sunday pm…pick up the paperwork…and truck…programme the “Sat-nav” and off you go■■?
Modern trucking is a breeze it seems…wish it had been like this in yesteryear. Pleased you are pleased with your lot. :wink:

You seem to have mistaken tramping on containers with supermarket deliveries, I don’t know what I am doing from one day till the next or what time I am starting or where I am gonna be on any given day.

I only asked because so many drivers seem to be on here moaning about how hard the job is, even though a lot has been done to make it easier.

The act of driving the lorry has got a lot easier, the lorries and the technology available today have ensured that. More power, more comfort and more gadgets. The job of the lorry driver has got easier in some ways and more difficult in others, now there’s very little driver involvement in the loading process, even the over the top load securement requirements and HSE ■■■■■■■■ are easier in a curtainsider than roping and sheeting a load, but life out on the road has become a lot harder, traffic, the poor standard of driving, HSE ■■■■■■■■ and driver’s waiting rooms, even less facilties now than there were and there have never been enough, the list goes on :cry:

One thing I can say for sure, the job is nowhere near as much fun as it was a few years ago :cry:

mr ed:
i find its hard most mornings :open_mouth: what with rush hour an that :wink:

At my age it’s very rarely hard in the mornings anymore! :frowning: :wink: :wink: