
I have just experienced my first ever earth tremor (12;57 am), I sat here, in deepest Norfolk, and watched my fishtank have waves on it whilst the sofa rumbled underneath me!!!

What an unbelieveable experience, anyone else feel it?

amin nottingham and felt it here to, must have been a good one for it to have that range

I felt it here in South Yorkshire. Lasted about 7 or 8 seconds.

Thought the roof was coming in! :open_mouth:

Yep also in Norfolk and the house started shaking.

Im going to say I did too, I was sat on the sofa at that time as I still am now and I felt a rumble and it was not me :laughing: but I am miles away from you up in durham.

i felt it live near cov thought i was being burggled when the wife screamed at me!!

Im in Holywell North Wales and it seemed pretty strong. Stronger than the last one a few years ago. Sky news saying epicentre is Kingston upon hull and its 4.7 on the old richter scale.

hull on the map again we have had floods now the epicentre for the earthquake just waiting for a plague of locusts woke my mrs up i never heard or felt anything :blush: was woke from my deep sleep by her screaming :unamused:
then several phone calls from the mother in law then her sister / we did speculate maybe another flixborough or saltend until we saw sky news thankfully no one was injured

aka tiny

Felt it here in Huddersfield too. Had a bunch of CDs fall off the shelf above me. Frightened the ■■■■ out of me. :open_mouth:

Epicentre is Holton-■■■-Beckering, between Market Rasen and Wragby - approx 10-15 miles NE of Lincoln.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Disappointed, near Dudley and I felt sod all, was sitting at the computer at the time and heard what I thought was a big gust of wind, small thud (like someone banging the wall nextdoor) and went to window to have a look outside, nothing. Next I get girlfriend ringing me from her uni (in Lincoln) complaining of the biggest earthquake ever, and I didn’t feel a ■■■■ thing :unamused: God knows how all these ppl on BBC website got massive tremors in Malvern and apparently Dudley too and places further away from Hull than me…they must be special, or my house is earthquake proof.

never felt a thing here (in Hull), slept through it

The British Geological Survey (BGS) said the earthquake was of the magnitude of 5.3 and the epicentre was near Market Rasen in Lincolnshire.

I was in Hull at the time and never felt a thing. :blush:

I just put it down to the fact that I was driving down a very uneven country road. :smiley:

The wife woke me up,saying that there was a shaking noise going on,and immediately,I said it must be an earthquake,but couldn’t believe that we would have one in this counry,let alone the magnitude of 5.2 that has been reported on the various news channels this morning.

But then again,I always said I could make the earth move for the wife… :laughing:


I was woken at 1.00 a.m. and wondered what on earth was happening. I thought at first it was an explosion. We are near Coningsby RAF and that was my first thought. I phoned the radio, but got no reply. I then spoke to someone esle who told me it was an earthquake. I could not get back to sleep and tried to get online, but could not get connected. Hope everyone is safe and not too much damage. Liz

But then again,I always said I could make the earth move for the wife…

theres always one :smiley: :smiley:
saying that fred west moved a lot of earth for his wife as well

I was in Hull at the time and never felt a thing. :blush:

I just put it down to the fact that I was driving down a very uneven country road. :smiley:

krankee that wasnt an uneven country road that would have been one of the major roads that hull city council hasnt bothered repairing

earthquake what earthquake

I thought my kitchen cupboards had fallen down, so I’m quite pleased really. :wink:

The only earthquake we ever get around here is when the Mrs eats beans :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: