Eagerbeaver gofundme page

I received a distressing phone call last night from a clearly emotional and bewildered Eagerbeaver. He had fallen foul of the oldest scam in the book; the unplanned night out!

It was quite difficult to understand what he was saying between the bouts of sobbing and sniffles but I think the gist of it was that he was reduced to foraging for food in a supermarket. Anybody who knows Beaver knows also that he has never set foot in a supermarket prior to last night as his staff usually do shopping for him, so he was clearly in a distressed state.

I personally feel that although he undoubtedly will suffer short term trauma, we collectively can help massively by showing solidarity with a brother trucker by funding some form of therapy to help to ease him back into the world of a day man.

Mental trauma such as he has undoubtedly suffered is an invisible killer so as such I’d urge all members to closely monitor his posts for signs of his affliction. Innocent phrases such as "when I crossed the Blanc " or if he starts telling us about how he was stuck on the top of Shap for four months during a blizzard and was forced to live inside a hollowed out pony can also be signs of underlying traumas.

Thank you for reading this appeal. Please dig deep and help to save one of the last of his kind.

Funny is that…I got the same phone call, I felt like I was on the Samaritans switchboard ffs, he was inconsolable.
He kinda came around after I made him feel better by telling him that he could now finally call himself a ‘Proper Trucker’ now that he has had a night in a cab, and that people will stop telling him he’s an amateur who just plays at it.

Think it must have gone to his head a bit though, as he was asking me where he could buy a baseball cap, checked shirt and cowboy boots,.and wanted to be now known as ‘Rubber Beaver’ . :neutral_face:

As for the funding :open_mouth: …Aye right :unamused: , not a chance in hell of him getting a ■■■■ penny out of me until he takes his turn for buying a breakfast for a change. :imp: