Eager to get started training now

Well now I’m booked in for my driving training, i’m eager to get started!, what should I expect from the first days training?

Ydepends on your course , I had a choice of a week long or 2 and half day intensive . They both had the same amount of driving hours but the shorter one is definitely more intense as you soon realise that although you can drive there is so much on your shoulders and mirrors are crucial . That said I passed and am now looking forward to my c+e again the short course .

Ydepends on your course , I had a choice of a week long or 2 and half day intensive . They both had the same amount of driving hours but the shorter one is definitely more intense as you soon realise that although you can drive there is so much on your shoulders and mirrors are crucial . That said I passed and am now looking forward to my c+e again the short course .

There was a lad just about to start intense training after I’d passed my class 1 last month. I think he was doing two 8 hour sessions and test on the third day. Personally I wouldn’t fancy it myself as concentrating for 4 hours driving round and round a city centre was more than enough, I dont think I could have physically kept that concentration up any longer.

Rich, one thing you’ll have to get your head round is the gears, presuming you’re training in a manual. There’s eight gears in two ranges. 1-4 & 5-8. There’s a switch on the gear stick where you go from low range to high range. Basically you go from 2nd to 4th, click the switch, and then whatever feels right i.e 6th to 8th, 5th to 7th to 8th etc. It’s not easy to get used to straight away. That’s why if I was giving advice to someone looking to book training I’d recommend finding a training company that has an automatic.

The company who I’m going to be training with do use 4 over 4 manual gearbox, the course I’m doing is mon, Tues, Thurs at 7 hours per day, then friday morning for 4 hours with the test in the pm. So roughly in total about 21 hours give or take break times.

I am keen and excited like yourself but when you start physically training it hits you and it all gets very real very quickly.
I’ve been training for my class 2 since last Thursday (test tomorrow) and it’s been a roller coaster. Its not just “driving a truck” happy as larry…lol. I’ve had days where I’ve come home a bit down and other days where I’ve felt great. It all depends on the day.
For me it’s the awareness of signs and lane markings that’s tough. You need to be really aware at all times and look WELL ahead.
I’m not trying to be negative at all just be sure to be very prepared and observant.
I by no means thought it would be easy but if I’m honest it’s a lot to take in and can be tough. Key is to relax and be safe!
Good luck

I am keen and excited like yourself but when you start physically training it hits you and it all gets very real very quickly.
I’ve been training for my class 2 since last Thursday (test tomorrow) and it’s been a roller coaster. Its not just “driving a truck” happy as larry…lol. I’ve had days where I’ve come home a bit down and other days where I’ve felt great. It all depends on the day.
For me it’s the awareness of signs and lane markings that’s tough. You need to be really aware at all times and look WELL ahead.
I’m not trying to be negative at all just be sure to be very prepared and observant.
I by no means thought it would be easy but if I’m honest it’s a lot to take in and can be tough. Key is to relax and be safe!
Good luck

Good luck with your test tomorrow mate, let us know how you get on.

I’m like yourself, excited yet nervous lol


I am keen and excited like yourself but when you start physically training it hits you and it all gets very real very quickly.
I’ve been training for my class 2 since last Thursday (test tomorrow) and it’s been a roller coaster. Its not just “driving a truck” happy as larry…lol. I’ve had days where I’ve come home a bit down and other days where I’ve felt great. It all depends on the day.
For me it’s the awareness of signs and lane markings that’s tough. You need to be really aware at all times and look WELL ahead.
I’m not trying to be negative at all just be sure to be very prepared and observant.
I by no means thought it would be easy but if I’m honest it’s a lot to take in and can be tough. Key is to relax and be safe!
Good luck

Good luck with your test tomorrow mate, let us know how you get on.

I’m like yourself, excited yet nervous lol

Thanks mate will do