Allow HGVs to travel at 50mph on single carriageway roads - 50 is the new 40!
Responsible department: Department for Transport
The current 40mph speed limit for HGVs on single carriageway roads is seriously outdated and dangerous. Trucks are vastly safer than they were 50 years ago when the limit was set, and 40mph only encourages frustrated car drivers to attempt suicidal overtaking manoeuvres. The current legislation needs updating. Commercial Motor magazine believes 50 should be the new 40!
big man the trucks may be safer but some of the drivers are certainly not!
Ask yourself this please…How many trucks already do 50 in a 40 limit?
Do you really think they are going to increase it so they can go flat out?
It will never happen unless attitudes change.
Far too many drivers are not responsible enough to control their speed and that is why it will never be raised.
big man the trucks may be safer but some of the drivers are certainly not!
Ask yourself this please…How many trucks already do 50 in a 40 limit?
Do you really think they are going to increase it so they can go flat out?
It will never happen unless attitudes change.
Far too many drivers are not responsible enough to control their speed and that is why it will never be raised.
Most trucks can’t go massively above 50 nowadays anyway. If the limit was 50 I could go flatout and still not be enough over to get done.
Signed. Those of us who live miles from any dual or mway understand this well as both hgv drivers and often as the frustrated car driver! Those of you on here who disapprove, I hope you enjoy working for Arsda/Tossco/The fuel company or being a health and safety representative/‘advanced motorist’/caravanner. I don’t tend to see anyone else doing it. BTW in a plated 40 or 30 limit there is a specific reason for the lower speed, and it applies to all so I for one would observe the plated limit. The problem with the hgv 40 limit is that most others can, and want to, do 60 and the difference is what concerns me.
I don’t support this petition as the scope is too wide.
I would support a petition that suggested appropriate signage on selected roads/parts of roads that
are wide enough,have good sight-lines and decent rutt-free/pothole-free tarmac.
A black truck emblem sign could be attached to the existing 50mph signs,where appropriate, at the start of the de-restriction and another similar sign but with a red line through it at the end of the zone.
Chap, I think the stretches of road you describe should probably have a lower speed limit plated for all anyway, and if they had accident history to support the concerns you voice they probably already would be limited lower. Just saying
I won’t sign it. Not because I don’t think 40 is too slow but because I don’t think all SLCs should be 50 for lorries. There are too many ■■■■ roads out there that the brain dead knobbers who call them selves drivers today will just blah along without a care in the world if the limit is raised.
A lot of SLCs should be 50 for lorries but not all.
I’ve not signed it, too many truckers overtake me on a daily basis when I’m doing 40mph on a single carriageway.
I’m currently carrying around 28t of milk which makes me pretty close to 44t but with the majority of it being liquid in lots of bottles that are in cages with wheels, not exactly a description that fits your average race car.
I have to take roundabouts a little slower, and it takes me a while to get upto any speed and I lose it again on hills (but gain a little on down hills) and I’m often passed in these situations as well.
40mph is quick enough for me, even though I’m doing a lot of A5 single carriageway driving which is a pretty decent road by all accounts, but it’s still got side streets, layby’s, tractors etc.
Increasing the speed limit for all trucks will just make more trucks peeved when they’re behind me and I’m still doing 40mph
Noting wrong with the current speeds imho and people need to slow down and they will find life more bearable. A couple of minutes saved could reduce yours and others life expectancy!!
Noting wrong with the current speeds imho and people need to slow down and they will find life more bearable. A couple of minutes saved could reduce yours and others life expectancy!!