E-Mail help

I am using msn hotmail and i have recieved a e-mail with the some links attached, but when i try to open i keep getting this message.

'You have clicked a link that may lead to an unsafe site outside of Hotmail or MSN. Do you want to continue?

Note: Some senders have been known to misrepresent their appearance in an attempt to deceive Internet users. If you suspect that in this case we recommend you use the Cancel button.

Anyone know how i can open them.

You should have buttons marked ok and cancel… hit ok…

You know you can set up the xp version of outlook express to pick up hotmail right?

Tools/account/new mail/ mail type - HTTP

'tis easy.

i tried that but it did’nt work.

Sorted now.

i only like hotmail.

But will give it a go
