E bay Bids.....

Does anyone know how to cancel ebay bids?..

I’ve just accidentally bid on a Mickey Mouse outfit and now I’m 20 minutes away from owning Leeds Utd!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I would like to take my hat off to you for not lowing that to a NUFC joke thanks for that. We lost a friendly against Orient and skysports have a ‘Toon in crisis’ thing running, we’re not we lost a game admittedly in not the best of fashion, but its a friendly. Seems it’ll be another year of being the whipping boys to the media

Well im a Hull city fan so it should be intresting this season!

my mate gregg… (Mcploppy) txt me this very joke this morning only thing is he put celtic in the punchline… :smiling_imp: