DVSA Hazard DVD-ROM free To good home (cover postage)

Hi, as the title says £5 to cover postage and I’ll send it recorded delivery. Well worth a look, helped me score 84 on the hazard test. Pm me for PayPal email address.

Wish there were more posts like this

I agree that’s what I did with mine , passed it on to next person. Bet loads in people’s cupboards tucked away never to be used again

If it’s still available, I’ll take it off your hands :smiley: I’m booked in for mine at the end of the month, and I’m a bit dodgy with the hazard perception. When I took my car test I didn’t practice for it because the CD didn’t work, so I tried to wing it and failed it on first attempt. Nailed it the second, but I get very nervous when I’m around it for that very reason :blush:

Is it the LGV version may I ask?

Is it the LGV version may I ask?

If it’s not, they are on the wrong forum! :open_mouth:

Best of luck pal! :smiley:

It could be the car version I suppose, the videos are pretty much the same :smiley:

It could be the car version I suppose, the videos are pretty much the same :smiley:

yes mate I’ve still got it and yes it’s for all tests: car, motorcycle, Adi, LGV and PCV. PM me with your address and I’ll give you my PayPal address.