DVLA Delays

Anybody having similar problems to me? (only driving) Lol.Licence been away five and half weeks now… rang DVLA Medical Dept thats the first number that picked up after 10 mins!! last week.
Was told paperwork not even been looked at by medical dept? told them that I am self-employed agency driver, I was aware that i was alowed to carry on driving under section 88 traffic act.
But even though they could give me a letter stating what was in progress.It would be of little in Europe.

Never Mind Soon Be Christmas.

Renewed licence recently and got it back in 10 days as optician hadn’t ticked a box.

Sent it again and got licence back 8 days later.

You can keep an eye on it here.

viewdrivingrecord.service.g … nce-number?

Got my licence back last week after a seven week wait, I had to keep chasing them, they told me on both occasions that there is / was a 9 week back-log in the medical department.

Got my licence back last week after a seven week wait, I had to keep chasing them, they told me on both occasions that there is / was a 9 week back-log in the medical department.

Todays update…rang DVLA again listening to warn out musac tape, eventually guy came on he was ok!Told me that they are aware that I had rang last week but it should have been dealt with…“anyway give another ring next Tuesday”
What a load of nonsense you couldn’t make it up words fail me. It’s affecting my ability to work.

But hey ho soon be Christmas :blush:

I waited four months for it to be renewed and returned this year, I do have a history of Heart problems though.

I waited four months for it to be renewed and returned this year, I do have a history of Heart problems though.

Your bloody lucky. I waited 26 weeks lost £13.000 in salary at the time worked for a German Heavy Haulage Co. so section 88 is of no use in Europe. Won the case still no compo. this was Feb last year. But now retired and enjoying it.

Licence arrived…good old GOV.com/DVLA 43 days just over six weeks :blush: After all the hoops we have to jump through.
Simply not good enough me thinks to put it lightly?

Licence arrived…good old GOV.com/DVLA 43 days just over six weeks :blush: After all the hoops we have to jump through.
Simply not good enough me thinks to put it lightly?

I wish mine has only been going on for 6 weeks… told in February that I could not drive until DLVA had made medical enquiries, then took them until May to deal with paperwork and for me to see their consultant at which point my licence was revoked. Sent them further information as requested for their consideration at the beginning of August and it took them until end of October, and a letter from my MP, to even consider it. They then wrote to my GP again in November to get him to confirm what he confirmed in August, and I have just had the forms to re-apply for my licence…one form is, you’ve guessed it, a form for my GP to fill in confirming the information he’s already given them twice. :imp:

Have made a complain to the ICA and just waiting for his review now. Got an appeal lodged in the Mags Court for 5th January which DVLA have suggested is adjourned until the end of February to allow for “medical enquiries”.

A FOI request revealed that DLVA has paid out £499,999.50 in consultant examination fees between Jan 2013 and now.

And also found out that the 3 months blood sugar reading they say are requirement for diabetics is not law or regulation.

Country is definitely run by hare-brained bureaucrats

Mine has been in the process since the end of september in the medical dept.
Ihave the french translation of the section 88 document.
Hope i don,t get stopped in France/,

My licence had been away for 6 weeks in the summer, when I got a speeding notice with the offer of a speed awareness course. for which I would require my licence to prove my ID.
I rang the medical dept. and was told there was a backlog and it could take another 10 weeks!.
I informed the guy that without my licence to prove my ID, I could end up being refused the speed awareness course which would mean loss of the £80 I’d paid, plus I would then have to accept the fine and points.
The guy said he would put a note in my documents but did not hold out much hope that it would help.
Two days later my licence dropped on the doormat!

On a happy note…mine took 6 months to renew earlier this year, sent it off in February and got it back in August…happy days.

Its only some parts of the Dvla that are slow, i bought a new van on Thursday and the log book came on Saturday morning :open_mouth:

Just got mine back after 8 weeks. Straight forward medical but still had a long wait.

Posted mine Tues 16th, (age renewal) received new licence this morning.

The delays are mainly for renewals when the applicant has a previous medical history, as stated, other departments are running more or less on schedule.

Anybody having similar problems to me? (only driving) Lol.Licence been away five and half weeks now… rang DVLA Medical Dept thats the first number that picked up after 10 mins!! last week.
Was told paperwork not even been looked at by medical dept? told them that I am self-employed agency driver, I was aware that i was alowed to carry on driving under section 88 traffic act.
But even though they could give me a letter stating what was in progress.It would be of little in Europe.

Same here. Have an issue with heart arhythmia and tachycardia, frankly my doctor can’t believe I’m still alive. I’m driving on a Section 88 notice and DVLA say it may take up to 12 months to resolve. With any luck, they’ll revoke the ■■■■■■■ thing. :wink:

Posted mine Tues 16th, (age renewal) received new licence this morning.

Same, exchanged paper for photocard and added provisional entitlements. Posted Fri 12th Dec, got back last week on the 17th!!