DVD player

Hi all i am doing more nights out now so iam in need of a portable dvd player I can use in the cab at night? can anyone recommend anything? cheers

Do you have a tablet? They are a much better deal now compared to DVD players. Plus they all run on USB so charging them is a doddle.

I’d agree with getting a tablet. Load it up with films before you go out and it’s a lot easier to keep charged up.

1500w inverter through a microwave in there along with tv/dvd player

Cheers lads any recommendations for a tablet ? So if I download then at home then when I watch them will I need wifi to watch them?

Once they’re downloaded, you don’t need WiFi. That’s the way I’m working at the moment. My Tablet was 40 quid second hand. Job done.

Depends what your budget is. I use the latest iPad but I get it through my work so it’s discounted and I claim it back as a business tool.

If all you’re wanting to do is watch films then you can pick one up fairly cheap. Best thing to do would be to go to a shop where you can have a play with 2 or 3 different ones and see what suits you.

I don’t know if you can download films to one or not, but we got my mum an Amazon Kindle Fire last Christmas and she’s picked up how to use it really quickly and she’s a bit behind with technology! Assuming you can put videos on it, they’re pretty cheap and the battery life is good.

Just make sure you get a tablet with a decent amount of memory, otherwise you’ll only get a handful of things on at a time.

I suppose if you really wanted to load up you could get yourself a cheap/second hand laptop and an external hard drive. Just load the hard five up with as much TV and movies as you want.

Once they’re downloaded, you don’t need WiFi. That’s the way I’m working at the moment. My Tablet was 40 quid second hand. Job done.

Cheers pal what websites u use to download from do u?

Just make sure you get a tablet with a decent amount of memory, otherwise you’ll only get a handful of things on at a time. .

A lot of Android & Windows tablets have a slot for a MicroSD card so you can add capacity.

Get yourself a laptop fill it with the movies and stuff you want to watch.Then once you have nearly watched them all change them.I keep updating mone every 2weeks.I run it off of a 300w invertor no bother and from the internet you can get the latest movies to watch.