Due care. Parcel boyo

Doesn’t the law state you must drive as far to the left as is practicable? People sitting in the middle lane drives me mental :imp: If you’re overtaking, get past and pull in, don’t just sit there for ages!

We all have this idea that the roads in the US are miles of smooth asphalt. That may or may not be the case in the Midwest etc but the roads around NYC are dreadful, well below our standards.

On the highways there are dips and ruts, and the standard of driving I saw was poor. Many people tailgating, swerving from the far lane in front of everyone to take an exit. In town, what will happen is that contractors will dig a trench, shove a steel plate over it then leave it. This happens on pavements too. So the roads are in a constant state of repair.

At night when you see tens of thousands of cars on the move on the big roads, its difficult to see how the Americans will move away from their love for the car.

Air start:

To add, from the RAC.
‘Undertaking’ is the practice of overtaking a slower moving vehicle on its left-hand side (kerb side). While it’s not strictly illegal to undertake on a motorway or dual carriageway in the UK, it can be extremely dangerous, and punishable if deemed to be careless driving.

It’s Only under taking if it’s used to gain position.
I was taught to make progress in my lane when safe to do so, up to and including the limit.it’s in the police drivers manual. The safest vehicle is the one you’ve passed.

Im a serial under taker then, im not changing lanes 4 times to overtake one car. That to me is more dangerous then continuing on in my lane at 56.

Tailgating and light flashing aint my thing though.

Smart motorways has made it even worse.