Drunken musings

i started this website because i believed that there were people out there that believed as i did that we the professional drivers deserved our own place on the INTERNET

i have a belief that the INTERNET is there for all sections of society. charging money to use something which is freely available is anathema to me and the reasons why this whole shebang started. you have your place on the INTERNET and I’m proud to be the person to provide it and i am proud there is a whole team of people equally committed behind me who do this for no reward

building on Anna Sharpe’s foundations and with support by Russ Gratton this site has become more by luck than judgement the most successful site for the professional driver. i would love to claim success for this unfortunately my ego cannot claim this its down to you the members

but today we are at a point in the evolution of this website we are no longer a hobby or just a click of the mouse .this site has clout it has a life of its own that has outgrown my expectations and all those of the original members

at a crossroadas where do we go from here?the basic premise that TruckNet UK will always be free to the professional driver is something that me and Lucy will never move away from unfortunately the success of this site is also its downfall we have an Alexa rating that most commercial sits would die for this all costs

you want this site? you believe that drivers deserve their own free place on the INTERNET …then prove it visit our sponsors have a look at our advertisers websites when u stop and buy something for your truck mention You use TruckNet UK

we are doing everything we can to keep your own place on the web but we cant do it alone we need you all to do your bit either that or bugger off to another website who will charge you to use

there are some amongst u who think they deserve a place on the INTERNET free of charge with no effort on their behalf those who constantly criticise whinge moan and complain about how this website is run my answer **[zb]**we do what it says on the tin your place your home on the INTERNET no more no less like it or lump it

i personally want to earn a living out of this website i want to support my family as it is or as it may be in the future to achieve this i have spent 5 years of my life and every penny in the world i own and a lot more penny’s that actually arent mine to get this website where it is

i will start taking money out of this website and out of this company but i wont take money out of drivers i want to make a living but not on your backs
lots of love Rikki

ps.i am ■■■■■■ as a proverbial rat and will no doubt delete this post tomorrow but ■■■■ its my birthday and if you cant get drunk on your birthday whe can you

Edited for what I believe is an unnecessary attack on TruckNet members. Being drunk doesn’t exempt anyone from the rules. Coffeeholic, (who now awaits his fate.) :wink: :confused: :angry:

Rikki, you`ve done fantastically well with the site- so well in fact, that Truck magazine has had to shut down as a result.

You recently rebuked me for a message I posted to Scania`s boss, and you said that TruckNet was “only a niche website”.

I don`t think so.

Where do we go from here? Bimble along I suppose,driving trucks, drinking too much and then posting messages we regret in the morning and then delete…

Well, just my thoughts! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Rikki have you ever thought about a trucknet shop selling trucknet branded items like mugs and t shirts and so on :question:

Happy birthday by the way old man :wink: :laughing:

oh and thanks for the site if it wasnt for this place i’d have to speak to the wife


sounds like you had a good session there rikki :exclamation: :wink: :laughing:

thanks for the site by the way :smiley: :wink:

yeah happy birthday rikki :wink: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

you want this site? you believe that drivers deserve their own free place on the INTERNET

There’s no point moaning about it now, with the site so well established. You chose to make it a free site from day 1, that was your choice, no-one elses, so yes this has become our ‘own free place on the internet’.

we are doing everything we can to keep your own place on the web but we cant do it alone we need you all to do your bit either that or [zb] off to another website who will charge you to use

You don’t need anything from the drivers other than to discuss things on the forums. You don’t need any ads at all. I don’t understand this ‘the only way I can keep this site free is if you click the banner ads’ - it’s [zb]. I run my own website and don’t have one single ad on it anywhere. It doesn’t have a forum I’ll say that, but it does host an 18Mb database and good knows how many Mb in pictures. I paid for the domain name out of my own pocket and also pay for the all space it takes up on the server but I shopped around and found myself a good reliable and reasonably cheap host. The main difference with my website is that I sell a ‘product’ which costs me absolutely nothing to obtain, but even if it was a non-selling website I would be able to afford the space easily.

i personally want to earn a living out of this website i want to support my family as it is or as it may be in the future to achieve this i have spent 5 years of my life and every penny in the world i own and a lot more penny’s that actually arent mine to get this website where it is

Want a box of tissues :question: :unamused:. The only way you’ll ever ‘make a living’ out of it is if you cover it from top to bottom on every page with ads and charge a hefty monthly/yearly subscription. I can tell you now to forget the idea of living off the website; you’ve more chance of being hit by a meteorite dropping from outer space. Also, if you charge to use the site (like Barry Tozer did/does) you won’t get (m)any visitors. I would think that the majority of us visit here to read/share a few stories and only use the site as a past-time.

i will start taking money out of this website and out of this company

Fair enough and good luck with it but I hope you’re ready to watch the visitor and post count rapidly drop to zero.

ps.i am [ZB] as a proverbial rat and will no doubt delete this post tomorrow but [zb] its my birthday and if you cant get drunk on your birthday whe can you


Rob K:

you want this site? you believe that drivers deserve their own free place on the INTERNET

There’s no point moaning about it now, with the site so well established. You chose to make it a free site from day 1, that was your choice, no-one elses, so yes this has become our ‘own free place on the internet’.

we are doing everything we can to keep your own place on the web but we cant do it alone we need you all to do your bit either that or [zb] off to another website who will charge you to use

You don’t need anything from the drivers other than to discuss things on the forums. You don’t need any ads at all. I don’t understand this ‘the only way I can keep this site free is if you click the banner ads’ - it’s [zb]. I run my own website and don’t have one single ad on it anywhere. It doesn’t have a forum I’ll say that, but it does host an 18Mb database and good knows how many Mb in pictures. I paid for the domain name out of my own pocket and also pay for the all space it takes up on the server but I shopped around and found myself a good reliable and reasonably cheap host. The main difference with my website is that I sell a ‘product’ which costs me absolutely nothing to obtain, but even if it was a non-selling website I would be able to afford the space easily.

i personally want to earn a living out of this website i want to support my family as it is or as it may be in the future to achieve this i have spent 5 years of my life and every penny in the world i own and a lot more penny’s that actually arent mine to get this website where it is

Want a box of tissues :question: :unamused:. The only way you’ll ever ‘make a living’ out of it is if you cover it from top to bottom on every page with ads and charge a hefty monthly/yearly subscription. I can tell you now to forget the idea of living off the website; you’ve more chance of being hit by a meteorite dropping from outer space. Also, if you charge to use the site (like Barry Tozer did/does) you won’t get (m)any visitors. I would think that the majority of us visit here to read/share a few stories and only use the site as a past-time.

i will start taking money out of this website and out of this company

Fair enough and good luck with it but I hope you’re ready to watch the visitor and post count rapidly drop to zero.

ps.i am [ZB] as a proverbial rat and will no doubt delete this post tomorrow but [zb] its my birthday and if you cant get drunk on your birthday whe can you


Rob…I to run a private website and a commercial website and yes the costs are minimal but there is a lot more behind a commercial website than a private website
To make this site bigger means to let everyone know it’s here! Which costs money. TrucknetUK does not charge a fee for people to access this site like some others do.
The expenses are printing, travel, server space, advertising etc. and all this costs money…if we don’t get it from the members then where else does it come from….SPONSERS!
Rikki and others have put a lot of time, energy, money and there health to promote this site to make it what it is today so why don’t you help us in spreading the word and keeping this the #1 website for drivers instead of putting us down?
So what’s the problem? All Rikki is asking is that you click on links from the sponsors… that’s all.


A HUGE and belated :laughing: :laughing: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :laughing: :laughing: Rikki ( hows the head? :laughing: )
Many of us are full of gratitude to everybody involved with Trucknet, your goodself, Lucy of course, the mods and the sponsers without which Trucknet couldn’t continue to grow.
Trucknet has offered me a wealth of information and support and an army of friends that made their presence so apparant following the death of my good friend which resulted in my phone going constantly for a week. More recently a very dicey situation was overted in Paris with a call To Chris (caveman) and I had an instant translater, thank’s bud. :wink:
It’s time Trucknet supported you Rikki so I wish you well and hope that the site can provide for your family while you are providing this site for us.
Oh and do me a favour get [zb]ed again on thursday because it’s my birthday and I’ve got to work. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Rob, I always defend you to the hilt but for crying out loud man! :open_mouth:
:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
And the shop is a great idea! :laughing: :laughing:

trucknet branded items now theres a thought mate…i would definately be interested in buying things like that…sweatshirts…polo shirts…cups etc might be worth looking into :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i started this website because i believed that there were people out there that believed as i did that we the professional drivers deserved our own place on the INTERNET

i have a belief that the INTERNET is there for all sections of society. charging money to use something which is freely available is anathema to me and the reasons why this whole shebang started. you have your place on the INTERNET and I’m proud to be the person to provide it and i am proud there is a whole team of people equally committed behind me who do this for no reward

building on Anna Sharpe’s foundations and with support by Russ Gratton this site has become more by luck than judgement the most successful site for the professional driver. i would love to claim success for this unfortunately my ego cannot claim this its down to you the members

but today we are at a point in the evolution of this website we are no longer a hobby or just a click of the mouse .this site has clout it has a life of its own that has outgrown my expectations and all those of the original members

at a crossroadas where do we go from here?the basic premise that TruckNet UK will always be free to the professional driver is something that me and Lucy will never move away from unfortunately the success of this site is also its downfall we have an Alexa rating that most commercial sits would die for this all costs

you want this site? you believe that drivers deserve their own free place on the INTERNET …then prove it visit our sponsors have a look at our advertisers websites when u stop and buy something for your truck mention You use TruckNet UK

we are doing everything we can to keep your own place on the web but we cant do it alone we need you all to do your bit either that or [zb] off to another website who will charge you to use

there are some amongst u who think they deserve a place on the INTERNET free of charge with no effort on their behalf those who constantly criticise whinge moan and complain about how this website is run my answer t this is if u don’t like it [zb] off and find a website that will fulfil your (zb) needs we do what it says on the tin your place your home on the INTERNET no more no less like it or lump it

i personally want to earn a living out of this website i want to support my family as it is or as it may be in the future to achieve this i have spent 5 years of my life and every penny in the world i own and a lot more penny’s that actually arent mine to get this website where it is

i will start taking money out of this website and out of this company but i wont take money out of drivers i want to make a living but not on your backs
lots of love Rikki

ps.i am [ZB] as a proverbial rat and will no doubt delete this post tomorrow but [zb] its my birthday and if you cant get drunk on your birthday whe can you

:smiley: :smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: You’ve done well Rikki.
Don’t forget this bit. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
DAF’s are great, DAF’s are great, DAF’s are great, DAF’s are great, DAF’s are great.

hi rikki you have had loads of praise heaped on you and you deserve every bit of it…take heed…mugs, sweatshirts, t.shirts would be a good earner for you, maybe an income, and who knows we could even have our own union !! with contributions helping the profits…and the members helping and supporting each other…a force to be reckoned with, and i would certainly be a part of that…and theres no end to the commercial side of things…well wait and see eh !!
have a nice day

having our own union is a bit ambitious…but definately doable :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

but today we are at a point in the evolution of this website we are no longer a hobby or just a click of the mouse .this site has clout it has a life of its own that has outgrown my expectations and all those of the original members

i personally want to earn a living out of this website i want to support my family as it is or as it may be in the future to achieve this i have spent 5 years of my life and every penny in the world i own and a lot more penny’s that actually arent mine to get this website where it is

i started this website because i believed that there were people out there that believed as i did that we the professional drivers deserved our own place on the INTERNET

there are some amongst u who think they deserve a place on the INTERNET free of charge with no effort on their behalf

i have a belief that the INTERNET is there for all sections of society. charging money to use something which is freely available is anathema to me and the reasons why this whole shebang started.

Just a few contradictions in here… drunkenness duly noted :wink: . But to say that you started it in order to eventually make a living after you’ve said that it was a hobby is a little misleading. I hate to say this… but I can see Rob K’s point. You started the site as a hobby… you worked hard and invested you’re own money and time into it because you said you believed in this type of site… And now you see it as a way to make a living… which is great. But you can’t offer the site free of charge, pat yourself on the back for that, and then criticize your members for taking advantage of it… especially since the members are what makes the site so successful. I’m sure most people understand that you want the site to be successful… it already is. And if you’re ambition with it has changed and you want to make it your way living, then you should do it. And its not too much to ask of people to visit the sponsors if they’re in the market for something… but ya coulda done it in a more diplomatic manner maybe■■?

being recent newbie I have got to add that this site has been a fantastic help to me, the info in the forums has been a fantastic source of information and help, and the when i have posted the other members have been full of encouragement and good advice…long may it continue

I can understand from reading the posts above all the pros and cons, from personal experience i can concur that a fee will massively reduce the appeal of the site which would be a great shame

If the was a site shop where you could by some trucknet gear then i would be happy to make a purchase and help spread the word

Thanks for all your efforts i personally am very grateful for the work you have done and hope to be part of the group for a long time to come

rikki… have you got a headache?.. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hello Rikki I have not been a member for very long but I have looked around the web .This site is by far the best site for People who either Drive.or have a iintrest inthe Transportation way of life. Yes Iwill look at the web site from the Sponsers.and if Iam Buying from these Firms of coursethey will beinformed
where I learnt about there products. Please keep on with the good that you and all ofthe other persons involved. Once again THANKS TO ALL CONCERNED

rikki i hope you are suffering a very bad hangover,if not by the time you read these posts i’m sure you’ll have one. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Rob…I to run a private website and a commercial website and yes the costs are minimal but there is a lot more behind a commercial website than a private website
To make this site bigger means to let everyone know it’s here! Which costs money. TrucknetUK does not charge a fee for people to access this site like some others do.
The expenses are printing, travel, server space, advertising etc. and all this costs money…if we don’t get it from the members then where else does it come from….SPONSERS!
Rikki and others have put a lot of time, energy, money and there health to promote this site to make it what it is today so why don’t you help us in spreading the word and keeping this the #1 website for drivers instead of putting us down?
So what’s the problem? All Rikki is asking is that you click on links from the sponsors… that’s all.


You don’t need to shell out any money whatsoever to promote the site. In fact, the site doesn’t need any promoting at all. Rikki wants to put his feet up for the rest of his natural and wants this website to line his pockets; that’s what the problem is and it won’t happen unless he takes the extreme measures as outlined in my original reply.

I don’t know about anyone else but I regularly mention the website and refer to a particular thread when chatting with my trucker mates and a number of them have said to me since that they’ve "had a look at the site’. You can’t ask for any more than that from visitors of a website that you chose to be a ‘free for all’ from day one.

If you’re really desperate to make the site huge then that’s your job to do the leg-work, not ours. From what I can see the site is plodding along nicely with a good number of new members rolling in, many of them newbies seeking advice. You can’t force people here.

Covering the website in annoying flashing banner ads that, in all honesty, few of us have any interest in (just like on any other commercial site) and relying on the visitors to click them is most definitely **not** the direction to go and simply makes the site look cheap and tacky. That statement quite probably hits a nerve but it is true I’m afraid. If you must use banner ads then there is a fine line between acceptable and over-the-top and you have reached that line now. If you introduce any more I think you may do more damage than good.[/u]
I’m sure we’d all love to have a nice, big, interesting commercial website and be able to put our feet up and live off what the sponsors pay and selling ‘trucknet’ mugs in a shop :unamused: but let’s wake up eh…
Welcome to the real world… :confused:

Rob, I always defend you to the hilt but for crying out loud man! :open_mouth:
:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
And the shop is a great idea! :laughing: :laughing:

:open_mouth: :question: :question:

Anyway, shouldn’t you be



and stuff :question:

Cheers :smiley: