Drug driving truckers on UK roads

I believe that roadside drug testing is coming in soon, they already have it across much of Europe.

gnasty gnome:
Point worth noting; assuming we did end up with random testing and a zero tolerance culture as the railways have, would our drivers be on the same rate as theirs? :wink:

ha, ha, if only, i’d hang up my crack pipe tomorrow.
i’m no saint, but wonder if all those that are so anti drug, have never started a shift a touch over the drink drive limit from the night before maybe? just a thought.

Driving on Ecstasy ?

I don’t think so if it’s actually Ecstasy.
I used this occasionally back when I was 18-19 at all night parties and there is no way you could even think of driving or even concentrate on driving. Ecstasy isn’t geared towards just keeping you awake,it does much more than that and to even think of driving !! Don’t think so.

I fell into a K hole once while driving just before Christmas. Can’t remember anything about that day. Just remember waking up next day in a Magnum…

Reading these posts I can say I have no respect for any of the posters who did not condem the taking of any sort of drug. You deserve to loose your licences and give a job to someone who can show responsible behaviour.
Just goes to show how many members are actually idiots.

Pat Hasler:
Reading these posts I can say I have no respect for any of the posters who did not condem the taking of any sort of drug. You deserve to loose your licences and give a job to someone who can show responsible behaviour.
Just goes to show how many members are actually idiots.

You are right. I was a hash head for many years, it’s why i became a lorry driver as i was too stoned to do anything else. Indeed i passed what was then class 3 stoned as i always had a joint upon waking up, and never went anywhere without my bag of weed. :unamused:

Im proud to say i’ve been smoke free now for 7 years. :sunglasses:

How would smoking cannabis help you stay awake■■?

Coke and wizz yeah, but cannabis?

All too expensive anyway. ECA stacks are the way forward. Ephedrine, caffine and aspirin, all rolled into one.

Caffine to give you the initial kick whilst the ephedrine starts working, aspirin thins your blood and gets it round your system quicker. One red rocket, no more sleepy for hours :open_mouth: :smiley:

And it’s not illegal.

Depend how you get hold of the ephedrine. If you buy underground gear then it’s illegal. Although if you buy Do-Do chest-Eze then it’s completely legal

I fell into a K hole once while driving just before Christmas. Can’t remember anything about that day. Just remember waking up next day in a Magnum…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Anybody who can drive and skin up at the same time deserves a medal. lol

So drivers are driving down the road taking sweeties, snorting a line and rolling a joint. lol

Think this guys been tripping at a party.

Ah right, so anyone driving at 50mph is rolling a joint.
Gonna look at Tesco drivers in a whole new light now :open_mouth:


gnasty gnome:
Point worth noting; assuming we did end up with random testing and a zero tolerance culture as the railways have, would our drivers be on the same rate as theirs? :wink:

ha, ha, if only, i’d hang up my crack pipe tomorrow.
i’m no saint, but wonder if all those that are so anti drug, have never started a shift a touch over the drink drive limit from the night before maybe? just a thought.

Hmmmm, People in Glasshouse syndrome !

Smoking Cannabis appears to be sort of socially acceptable as a weekend or off duty activity. Each to their own I guess

However - it is a proven fact that one side effect of cannabis use is a “Sudden lack of attention usually when in a stressful situation” and this can occurr ‘days’ later

Driving anything on these UK roads is definitly a stressful situation and the thought of someone behind the wheel suddenly ‘lacking attention’ worries me. yes there are many many other causes of the same thing (mobiles, chatting, putting yer make up on etc)

A driver was sacked for failing a random drug test at work. the test proved canabis had been used in the last 2 to 3 days. the driver admitted to smoking it at the weekend whilst off duty. he took the employer to tribunal for unfair dismissal and lost the case. the tribunal declared the company could not be seen to be taking the risk of letting someone drive a HGV after they have used cannabis - even though it was when off duty. The above side effect is too serious.

I know a driver that drove his unit and trailer straight into the back of a big green farmers tractor on the A14. Straight dual carriageway and he ‘didn’t see it’. Tractor was doing about 20 mph - his unit 52mph. Wrote the wagon off. Did he not see it because he was asleep, on the phone, watching TV or maybe … that wasn’t normal tabacco last night? Does make you wonder eh? Luckily he wasn’t hurt and neither was the tractor driver. Just a written of £70,000 wagon.

Most companies are now adopting some form of drug and alcohol testing either randomly or for cause. Some even do this at interview. There is a single device available that takes an oral sample and tests for both alcohol and drugs in the same tester. Costs about £9 each so not beyond most companies investing in these. As long as the chain of custody is in place for samples and paperwork - and policies written accordingly then they can be used to support dismissal.

According to the HSE a QUARTER of work place accidents are a direct result of SUBSTANCE abuse. This could be alcohol or drugs. it’d be a shame if any of those accidents involved someone that wasn’t using either.

Smoking Cannabis appears to be sort of socially acceptable as a weekend or off duty activity. Each to their own I guess

However - it is a proven fact that one side effect of cannabis use is a “Sudden lack of attention usually when in a stressful situation” and this can occurr ‘days’ later

Driving anything on these UK roads is definitly a stressful situation and the thought of someone behind the wheel suddenly ‘lacking attention’ worries me. yes there are many many other causes of the same thing (mobiles, chatting, putting yer make up on etc)

A driver was sacked for failing a random drug test at work. the test proved canabis had been used in the last 2 to 3 days. the driver admitted to smoking it at the weekend whilst off duty. he took the employer to tribunal for unfair dismissal and lost the case. the tribunal declared the company could not be seen to be taking the risk of letting someone drive a HGV after they have used cannabis - even though it was when off duty. The above side effect is too serious.

I know a driver that drove his unit and trailer straight into the back of a big green farmers tractor on the A14. Straight dual carriageway and he ‘didn’t see it’. Tractor was doing about 20 mph - his unit 52mph. Wrote the wagon off. Did he not see it because he was asleep, on the phone, watching TV or maybe … that wasn’t normal tabacco last night? Does make you wonder eh? Luckily he wasn’t hurt and neither was the tractor driver. Just a written of £70,000 wagon.

Most companies are now adopting some form of drug and alcohol testing either randomly or for cause. Some even do this at interview. There is a single device available that takes an oral sample and tests for both alcohol and drugs in the same tester. Costs about £9 each so not beyond most companies investing in these. As long as the chain of custody is in place for samples and paperwork - and policies written accordingly then they can be used to support dismissal.

According to the HSE a QUARTER of work place accidents are a direct result of SUBSTANCE abuse. This could be alcohol or drugs. it’d be a shame if any of those accidents involved someone that wasn’t using either.

Your away down wee alleys there. lol