Drove through tram lane

Stressful day today and while lookin left an right to find a store to drop load I ended up going down a tram lane…stupid I know I tried reverse back soon as I noticed but realise it would be more dangerous so had to carry on…ended up drivin passed the actual tram stop an people was lookin thinkin wtf…does anyone know the penalty for this…thanks :frowning:

Did nearly the same thing in a car in Nottingham.
Was a £60 fine as far I remember, they had me on camera and even sent me a little link to view the video.

Please say you stopped at the tram stop, opened the curtains or the back doors, and asked the passengers to get on…

Friend did that in Sheffield. £100 fine or something and a nice CCTV screenshot of you on the tram lines!

Friend did that in Sheffield. £100 fine or something and a nice CCTV screenshot of you on the tram lines!

The wife’s cousin got one going through a tram gate, she blamed her sat nav for taking her that way and she lives in Sheffield! We’ve only had trams for about 30 years