Driving to London during Covid-19 outbreak - advice

Hi guys, hope you are all well and safe given the circumstances, what strange times we find ourselves in?
I am aware the vast majority of you will class as key-workers at this time so I wanted to start my post by saying thank you and well done, and keep safe!
I am making enquiries about driving to London.
What is the deal with this at the moment? Is central London accessible, and are there fuel stations etc open? I may be required to head on down for a necessary journey so I just wanted to get a check on the situation straight from the horses mouth.

Any advice/updates/information anyone can give would be hugely appreciated.

Thanks everyone!

I do Essex too West London and Heathrow everyday.
Normally I’d say take the train, but not right now for obvious reasons and TBH I have never seen the roads this quiet, other than Christmas day.
As an example my normal run from London Gateway port, too Harlesden would take approx. 1 hour and 45 minutes, setting off at 5.30 am. Today it took 55 minutes.

I haven’t seen the news today since I got home but my Mrs says construction was put on lockdown today■■? If true, (I’ll check next news on the hour) tomorrows journey will probably be about 45 bloody minutes :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

All the roads in London are operating normally, obviously check this but I did here that congestion charge has currently been suspended. A lot of central London is now 20 mph I think, so watch out as there are no lack of speed cameras, box junction and bus lane cameras, etc, etc.

On my route all the garages are still open, however some are now closing their doors and only letting you use the night pay window system. Coffee is becoming really hard to get, as my regular BP stop near Hangar Lane now will not serve anyone coffee, unless you are an emergency worker, fair enough.


Was in Wandsworth last Thursday and traffic was very quiet.
So imagine now it be even lighter.
And yes Petrol stations are open there classed as essential.
So you should have a nice clear run.
Although being London now we’re on lockdown unless necessary. Wouldt be suprise of huge police presence and maybe being stopped and asked. Especially in a car

Also congestion charge is free and lez zone has been suspended

You can fly into any London airport from any where in the WORLD, including those affected by 19, so I should not worry about it.

IN all seriousness…I would go nowhere near London right now, not for any money, not worth it in my opinion.
19 years+ infection control/advice/business.

London is accessible at the moment. most petrol stations I pass are open or at least have cars at the pumps. the roads are quieter obviously however because some people are staying home the less main routes (the last mile or so to the drop(s) can be tricky due to selfish idiots that have to park outside their own houses come what may rather than walk 10 feet. Less mamals ■■■■■■■ methane to watch out for however the ones that are out are the diehard kind and are almost the most suicidal.

I have had a letter to carry with me for the last few days explaining what I am doing and why I am doing it. so far not had to use it and to be honest unless there is some money to be made somewhere I doubt I will. Today I went past tooting common saw a group of 10 people sitting together with a cop car almost touching them. cops did nothing.

London is accessible at the moment. most petrol stations I pass are open or at least have cars at the pumps. the roads are quieter obviously however because some people are staying home the less main routes (the last mile or so to the drop(s) can be tricky due to selfish idiots that have to park outside their own houses come what may rather than walk 10 feet. Less mamals ■■■■■■■ methane to watch out for however the ones that are out are the diehard kind and are almost the most suicidal.

I have had a letter to carry with me for the last few days explaining what I am doing and why I am doing it. so far not had to use it and to be honest unless there is some money to be made somewhere I doubt I will. Today I went past tooting common saw a group of 10 people sitting together with a cop car almost touching them. cops did nothing.

No one had a machete then?


London is accessible at the moment. most petrol stations I pass are open or at least have cars at the pumps. the roads are quieter obviously however because some people are staying home the less main routes (the last mile or so to the drop(s) can be tricky due to selfish idiots that have to park outside their own houses come what may rather than walk 10 feet. Less mamals ■■■■■■■ methane to watch out for however the ones that are out are the diehard kind and are almost the most suicidal.

I have had a letter to carry with me for the last few days explaining what I am doing and why I am doing it. so far not had to use it and to be honest unless there is some money to be made somewhere I doubt I will. Today I went past tooting common saw a group of 10 people sitting together with a cop car almost touching them. cops did nothing.

No one had a machete then?

not yet however one of my drops now opens an hour later so that there is more than one person about.

Thanks guys, the replies are much appreciated. Will be in LGV not a car so hoping there’ll be less drama with regards to the plod but will be fine if they stop me.
I’m all the way up north right now so the only news I’m getting about the situation about London is unsurprisingly over dramatic and is portraying it as some sort of scene from
Battle royale :open_mouth:
Thanks again for the advice, hope you’re all well. Take care and wash yer mitts!

I was in London last Friday night and it was pretty clear. Still the odd bit of traffic but generally pretty quiet.

I was able to do Croydon - Elephant & Castle - Stansted Airport via Tower Bridge and A13 to the North Circular to M11. I was 3 minutes slower than it would have taken me using the M25 (If Purley Cross had been open)

I only work nights in London so can’t comment how it might be during the day. Most petrol stations appeared to be open then - Not that there are a lot of them, so might want to take a 45 before venturing in to that wonderful place.