Isn’t it about time we scrapped the wtd rules all they need to do is add a 6 hour working time limit to the tacho regs and we are regulated enough
yes but they wont.
thread locked.
Isn’t it about time we scrapped the wtd rules all they need to do is add a 6 hour working time limit to the tacho regs and we are regulated enough
Scrapping the working time regulations would also mean scrapping the 5.6 holidays you’re entitled to … still want to scrap the WTD ?
Seriously though, I agree that for road transport mobile workers the parts of the RT(WT)R that cover breaks could and should have been incorporated in the drivers hours regulations, but there’s a lot more to the working time regulations than the six hour rule.
Anyway the RT(WT)R are the result of an EU directive so it’s not going away any-time soon I’m afraid.
I also would scrap the Weekend driving for HGVs
Stop all from Saturday 15.00 till sunday 22.00
There is just not really a need for it.
I also would scrap the Weekend driving for HGVs
Stop all from Saturday 15.00 till sunday 22.00… There is just not really a need for it.
22:00 hrs samstag, Deutschland. freitag in England 22:00 hrs would be very good bis sonntag 22:00hrs would be awesome!
gueten tag
I also would scrap the Weekend driving for HGVs
Stop all from Saturday 15.00 till sunday 22.00
There is just not really a need for it.
you get my vote as transport minister
Why is everyone so seemingly keen on being “parked up” for the weekend, instead of “home” and “working over 84 hours” instead of “rigidly enforced on anything over say, 120 hour working fortnight”?
I also would scrap the Weekend driving for HGVs
Stop all from Saturday 15.00 till sunday 22.00
There is just not really a need for it.
HGVs drive at the weekend?
I also would scrap the Weekend driving for HGVs
Stop all from Saturday 15.00 till sunday 22.00
There is just not really a need for it.
Clueless or what! I must have imagined all the weekends I have done for Sainsbury,Tesco,Comet,Aldi,Poundland and so on and so on.
I also would scrap the Weekend driving for HGVs
Stop all from Saturday 15.00 till sunday 22.00
There is just not really a need for it.
No chance in Uk Supermarket work Sunday.if will be ban for Sunday when Monday will be empty shelf in fresh food.but spermarket dont 't have to many storage space for full cages and pallets.but I can 't see problem at motorway .Saturday afternoon and Sunday not to many truck at the road