Driving part time and working Help please?

Hi guys,

I was wandering if anyone can help me here… Im used to working a monday to friday job working 8-5 driving and never going over my hours,

I have changed jobs a month ago and now I only drive part time, i.e. it could be nothing for 4 weeks and then during the 5th week Im driving for 4 days, I understand my hours Im allowed to drive and work when driving, but what Im not sure about is when Im not driving, Im doing other work what is the rules on this? Do I continue with Drivers hours or come under WTD? Also I will be working miles away from the truck so its not possible to put my tacho in, to show work, Breaks ect… What do I do? ATM I keep track of my hours worked via a copy of my time sheet also noting what activity I am doing on that day just incase anyone asks.

Thanks for your time Guys.


Also I will be working miles away from the truck so its not possible to put my tacho in, to show work, Breaks ect… What do I do?


Hi guys,

I was wandering if anyone can help me here… Im used to working a monday to friday job working 8-5 driving and never going over my hours,

I have changed jobs a month ago and now I only drive part time, i.e. it could be nothing for 4 weeks and then during the 5th week Im driving for 4 days, I understand my hours Im allowed to drive and work when driving, but what Im not sure about is when Im not driving, Im doing other work what is the rules on this? Do I continue with Drivers hours or come under WTD? Also I will be working miles away from the truck so its not possible to put my tacho in, to show work, Breaks ect… What do I do? ATM I keep track of my hours worked via a copy of my time sheet also noting what activity I am doing on that day just incase anyone asks.

Thanks for your time Guys.


In weeks that you don’t drive in-scope of EU regulations you don’t need to keep records, and depending on the job you do you will probably come under the general WTD (Working time regulations 1998).

In weeks (Monday to Sunday) that you do drive in-scope of EU regulations you should keep a record of any work you do on days that you do no driving, for instance if you do some other work on Monday then drive on Tuesday to Friday you will need to keep a record of Mondays work.
The work on none driving days should be manually recorded (written) on a chart or printout (I assume a log sheet is irrelevant in your case), you only need to record the date, the start and finish times and put your name or licence number on it.

After 28 days you can bin the written record for none driving days.

I’m not sure what you mean when you say you will be working miles from the lorry, if you mean on none driving days it doesn’t matter as you won’t need to use your driver card anyway, however if you mean that on driving days you will be working miles from the lorry and cannot change the mode switch all day, you should eject the card and do a manual entry when you next insert it, presumably that will be the same shift.

Thanks for clearing that up,

I Drive the truck Finnish up eject the card, then the next day I may be work on a site Away from the yard.

But thanks again!


The way we work is very similar, sometimes several days driving and then several days of other work.

Basically as Tachograph said you need to keep a record of your non driving days in a week when you drive a vehicle under EU drivers hours regulations.
The Regulations state this has to be a manual entry on a tachograph chart or manual entry or on a printout, but I spoke to VOSA as they were called at the time about this during one of the operators seminars they run.

They were quite happy for it to be a diary entry, or on a time sheet just as long as you made a record you could show them, but remember if you go abroad then you’ll most likely need letters of attestation to cover the time you don’t have a tachograph record for.

I also asked them about the Working Time Directive for road transport worked for people who didn’t work fulltime as a driver.
Basically if you drive for more than 10 days in a 17 week reference period or 15 days in a 26 week reference period then you come under the RTD not the WTD. The person at VOSA I spoke to also sent me a copy of the RTD regulations and I didn’t see anything that said it counted for weeks when you drive, but I’m quite happy to be corrected on this, as I am limiting the days driving one of our racecar mechanics does to keep him out of scope of the RTD, which is a pain operationally at times.