Driving on the edge

That’s nice driving and that, but what would he do if he caught up with two lycra clad cyclists who insisted on riding two abreast because it’s their right to?

Yeah, and what if that little old lady didnt run a bit quicker? Bloody little old ladies! And what if that dog ran into the road? Bloody dogs! I didn’t even see any cyclists, that’s why I don’t drive up mountains in Peru. I’ll stick with the dartford crossing thanks.

That’s nice driving and that, but what would he do if he caught up with two lycra clad cyclists who insisted on riding two abreast because it’s their right to?

turn his camera off and run the pillocks over

That’s nice driving and that, but what would he do if he caught up with two lycra clad cyclists who insisted on riding two abreast because it’s their right to?

Very true :grimacing: :grimacing:

He won’t win many brownie points from the “crack on brigade” going that slow.

The “your in” scania sign at the end, has he done all that just to drop it off for its safety inspection?.

I was cringing when he had all the trailer wheels on one side in thin air near the beginning…