i’ve been told that there are jobs for tanker drivers in iraq but i cant find any companys or agencys that are offering work out there,
wondering if anyone knows of companys or agencys that do or how i go about getting work in iraq?
many thanks if u can help
You want work in iraq… Join the army.
rocky 7:
You want work in iraq… Join the army.
But the money is a lot better on Halliburton so they say but the rules are that if you break down or they shoot the truck out from under you the convoy will leave you to face the music with the locals.But maybe a pump action shot gun might be more use in that situation than the 22 rifle the army would give you?.
Send stuh a private message.
He worked in iraq for the yanks on tanker work through k.b.r
rocky 7:
You want work in iraq… Join the army.But the money is a lot better on Halliburton so they say but the rules are that if you break down or they shoot the truck out from under you the convoy will leave you to face the music with the locals.But maybe a pump action shot gun might be more use in that situation than the 22 rifle the army would give you?.
Halliburtons, KBR and companies like them, are no longer looking for drivers anymore - they stopped looking at the end of last year.
They are now employing cheap labour courtesy of the Asian and Far eastern drivers/workers that starting flocking there over the last two to three years. These guys are on a very low wage packet, but happy to drive/work for what they can get!
I’ve got a brother in-law who drove out there on the tankers back in 2004. He made good money, but no where near the vast amounts of money people talk about.
As has been mentioned already, there are a few guys on here (Stuh, Neil and some others) who are either still there or have been in the past. They are always very helpful, and if you do a search on the Ex-Pats forum you’ll come across some of their threads on this topic.
Dont think the wages warrant the risk
My friend is a bodyguard out there and only gets £200 a day for two months on and a month off. Doesnt get paid on the month off.
Dont think the wages warrant the riskMy friend is a bodyguard out there and only gets £200 a day for two months on and a month off. Doesnt get paid on the month off.
So he gets around £8,000 for 2 months work?.A squaddie gets around £16,000 per year? but not the one month off every 2 months.
As far as I know he gets £12k for two months work, so in a year earns £48k, about the same as a petrol tanker driver over here.
Oh, and he was a squaddie himself when he was younger.
I still wouldnt do it.
On KBR’s website it says they want 114 drivers, it doesn’t say anyting about money/wages but a mate of mine worked in Bosnia and Iraq for them, he was getting $3500 per month tax free (in Iraq), free food and board and free flights home
It was a couple of years ago, so money might be a bit more now
You have to go to Houston Texas for some tests and interviews
Oh, and he says that there was always a whole bunch of ‘cheap labour’ workers there back then too, but KBR prefer brains!
Think Canada might be a better option
you can’t get work with kbr in iraq at the moment as they are only recruiting US citizens due to security/id card issues at moment.
you can apply for afghanistan but is different work, only on base work no convoys. i know 2 lads that have gone out to afghan.
things will change you just need to submit your cv etc to kbr.
try www.kbrjobs.com and look for heavy truck driver. you’ll need full adr certificate - tanks and packages.
Mid 90’s i was bringing fruit and veg back to Devon/Cornwall from Heathrow.
Of the dozen or so drops i used to get,2 were in Newquay and i’d get there anytime between 2300 - 0100.
That was ‘danger zone’ enough for me!
Thanks for your help everyone!
… a mate of mine worked in Bosnia …
Hi richie, how is the little fella?
Mid 90’s i was bringing fruit and veg back to Devon/Cornwall from Heathrow.
Of the dozen or so drops i used to get,2 were in Newquay and i’d get there anytime between 2300 - 0100.
That was ‘danger zone’ enough for me!
Try picking up “live” cargo at 3am in Newquay town centre…on run to the sun weekend…now THAT was fun