Driving car with bonnet up

Some fools about…bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-24367601

Nice car too.

He’s goosed, filmed by a BBC cameraman & clear view of driver and reg plate :smiley:

merc car driver. think they own the road :laughing:
think he might be looking for a job thou :unamused:

What a fool also as well as no visibility could have quite easily be caught by the wind and flip right back

could have quite easily be caught by the wind and flip right back

That’s usually your average Renault clio when the bonnet catches fail, Its a fault they suffer from

No problem, it’s probably got front view cameras. :laughing:

It look’s like he’s been caught …bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-24383439

With a Merc you can see OK with the lid up. Theres a big gap at eye level at the bottom of the lid. Prob is that if you go too fast you will damage it. Its not as bad as it looks.

No problem, it’s probably got front view cameras. :laughing:

+1, canny really see the problem me, it’s a nice car, usually those that drive such a make do wtf they want on the road anyway… Then there’s the aspect of being British, can’t mind your own business so you go & grass others up, #prick

Better view than from the average tank when buttoned up lol.

moddb.com/groups/tanks/image … scope-view
