We are currently in the process of creating a Driving Division for our recruitment company, I understand what Clients would like from a Driving Agency from being on “that side of the desk” I was wondering, from a Drivers point of view, what would you like to see agencies doing differently? All comments welcome (I understand agencies don’t have the best reputations)
You need to employ some ex drivers to start with on your admin team. Get an old truck. Assess you drivers first. Then sort the good ones. Pay the best more and keep them. You win contracts. You keep reliable happy drivers. Your customer is happy. You then just have to invoice instead of sorting headaches.
You need to give less experienced a chance with easier jobs that they can gain experience on for less money. They can then move up the experience ladder with you.
Stop looking about how much you can cream off and start a professional service that firms can rely on. Simple.
Of course you won’t. You’ll employ foreign and desperate drivers and pay a pittance. You’ll charge client a fortune and you’ll get an Audi RS.
Have loads of headaches. Staff who hate you and will ditch you at a moments notice. No continuity. Low customer satisfaction but you’ll make a buck or two for a couple of years.
We are currently in the process of creating a Driving Division for our recruitment company, I understand what Clients would like from a Driving Agency from being on “that side of the desk” I was wondering, from a Drivers point of view, what would you like to see agencies doing differently? All comments welcome (I understand agencies don’t have the best reputations)
Why do you think agencies don’t have the best reputations?
Quite frankly because of cowboy’s, inflating pay rates on adverts, placing false ads etc… As with any Industry you are always going to have your rotten few who are just out to make a quick buck, sod the rest and get out before they are found out, When you are dealing with peoples wages, livelihoods, careers, however you like to put it, any discrepancies are going to be shouted from the roof tops (and rightly so) it’s just a shame that these cowboys tarnish the reputation of the rest of us trying to do a decent legitimate job.
Why do you think agencies don’t have the best reputations?
Quite frankly because of cowboy’s, inflating pay rates on adverts, placing false ads etc… As with any Industry you are always going to have your rotten few who are just out to make a quick buck, sod the rest and get out before they are found out, When you are dealing with peoples wages, livelihoods, careers, however you like to put it, any discrepancies are going to be shouted from the roof tops (and rightly so) it’s just a shame that these cowboys tarnish the reputation of the rest of us trying to do a decent legitimate job.
Why do you think agencies don’t have the best reputations?
Quite frankly because of cowboy’s, inflating pay rates on adverts, placing false ads etc… As with any Industry you are always going to have your rotten few who are just out to make a quick buck, sod the rest and get out before they are found out, When you are dealing with peoples wages, livelihoods, careers, however you like to put it, any discrepancies are going to be shouted from the roof tops (and rightly so) it’s just a shame that these cowboys tarnish the reputation of the rest of us trying to do a decent legitimate job.
You need to employ some ex drivers to start with on your admin team. Get an old truck. Assess you drivers first. Then sort the good ones. Pay the best more and keep them. You win contracts. You keep reliable happy drivers. Your customer is happy. You then just have to invoice instead of sorting headaches.
You need to give less experienced a chance with easier jobs that they can gain experience on for less money. They can then move up the experience ladder with you.
Stop looking about how much you can cream off and start a professional service that firms can rely on. Simple.
Of course you won’t. You’ll employ foreign and desperate drivers and pay a pittance. You’ll charge client a fortune and you’ll get an Audi RS.
Have loads of headaches. Staff who hate you and will ditch you at a moments notice. No continuity. Low customer satisfaction but you’ll make a buck or two for a couple of years.
Here endeth the first lesson
This won’t work because most companies don’t give a ■■■■,they may well prefer the cheapest option and thereby put the experienced drivers out of work…at least until the company realise there is an issue…and if the newer drivers do a decent job on lower money, why would the companies involved ever feel the need to pay a ‘better’, more experienced driver when Johnny Newbie is doing alright for them on lower money…
Hopefully you’ll keep an eye out and contribute where you can - I’ve found some incredibly helpful people on here and their opinions have shaped some of my working practices; like to think I give a little something back where possible. Highly recommend seeking out Sidevalve’s posts within that thread as he’s been through a career of driver → recruitment consultant → transport manager → driver and clearly has a thorough understanding of every perspective.
I’ll reply to this thread when I’m home from the office. Either way, welcome to your baptism of fire.
Many years ago, before I became a driver, a mate of mine went for a job at a general office job recruitment firm.
In the interview he was asked; ’ a guys want a job and you have two positions available. One job in ideal for him, the other is not so good but will make us a tidy commission, which one will you put him forward for?’ Do I need to carry on?.. that story is true by the way.
When I was on agency work, bearing on mind I do fridges, DD, flats, roro, curtains, nights out. What do they give me…the crappest job they have because they know I will do most things, am flexible, and don’t grumble (except for now!), then they can give the cushy numbers to the geriatrics who need a weeks notice to get out of bed, or the hopeless who need a regular easy shift as that’s all they can manage. It’s always going to be about the bottom line for agencies and don’t pretend for a minute that you would manage it any differently. In my naïve years, I thought agencies were there to match staff to the job they wanted or were good at, now I know different.
My opinions have not changed since FreddieSwan started his thread so I might as well copy/paste the same reply
"The vast majority of agencies should be closed down not made better
Most agency consultants are nothing but parasites living off the backs of working people and the sooner you’re put out of work the better
Agencies should be used for holiday/sick cover and seasonal work only, but now that companies have realised that because of the shortage of work, agencies can force down workers rates many companies are only to happy to take advantage and get into bed with unscrupulous agencies.
I’ve had some decent work off agencies, but have also seen the other side where agencies force people to go on umbrella companies or go limited company or simply get no decent work, and in-spite of the drivel agency people will tell you the real reason is so that the agency people can make more money out of the workers.
I personally believe that the government should be doing everything possible to put people like you out of work and force agencies to do what they should be doing, which as I’ve said is providing holiday/sick cover and cover for seasonal work.
While I personally am happy not to have regular full time work the fact remains that most people do want regular jobs with a regular income and that’s not not going to happen as long as agencies are filling the role that they currently occupy.
Why do you think agencies don’t have the best reputations?
Quite frankly because of cowboy’s, inflating pay rates on adverts, placing false ads etc… As with any Industry you are always going to have your rotten few who are just out to make a quick buck, sod the rest and get out before they are found out, When you are dealing with peoples wages, livelihoods, careers, however you like to put it, any discrepancies are going to be shouted from the roof tops (and rightly so) it’s just a shame that these cowboys tarnish the reputation of the rest of us trying to do a decent legitimate job.
It isn’t just the cowboys, it’s the biggest ones as well - they are all competing in a race to the bottom and even though some independents, possibly like yourself, start off with good intentions, you will soon have to follow the pack or you won’t get the contracts to keep you afloat.
Why do you think agencies don’t have the best reputations?
Quite frankly because of cowboy’s, inflating pay rates on adverts, placing false ads etc… As with any Industry you are always going to have your rotten few who are just out to make a quick buck, sod the rest and get out before they are found out, When you are dealing with peoples wages, livelihoods, careers, however you like to put it, any discrepancies are going to be shouted from the roof tops (and rightly so) it’s just a shame that these cowboys tarnish the reputation of the rest of us trying to do a decent legitimate job.
Postby degsy4wheels » Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:07 pm
How about starting with a bit of respect for drivers. Treat em like you wish to be treated. Signing them up telling them there’s loads of work, then leaving them sat at home with no work and constantly lying is a major problem with Agencies.
We are not money making machines for you, be honest, and if you have no work, say “sorry, i can’t sign you up as there is no work going at the moment”…Instead of “O yes, just sign there mate, [zb] loads of work for you” while your nose grows longer and your bank balance gets bigger.
So thats the first thing as far as i am concerned, others may well not agree.
Minimum wage of a tenner an hour for artics at least. £8.50 p/h for artics is an insult to drivers. If you throw in a bonus scheme, make it achievable and actually pay it, instead of coming up with some crap for not paying it.
STOP ripping drivers off, umbrella schemes are just a money making machine for you, STOP IT.
So basically, as far as i am concerned, proper wages, honesty, and respect are the 3 big things i would expect from you, but i can live in hope.