#DriverShortage; Let’s Do Something

WHY are guys on post worrying about waiting time? Demurage.
It’s a industry standard
Post title driver shortage let’s do something.
Well that bloody worked

Shame you didn’t read beyond the title or watch the video before commenting and making yourself look like the ■■■ you clearly are. Which has also been obvious from your short Trucknet history. Sleep well

Is anyone else noticing a sudden and sharp improvement in tip times this past week?

Last month - 3-4 hour turnarounds… This week (for me at least) turnarounds of less than 30minutes, getting kicked off bays before getting chance to book a full break and all… :open_mouth:

Same depots, same times… (Midlands)

What gives?

Praise be. You are welcome my child. Go in piece(s)*.

*Intentional :wink: