Drivers who think they are the mutts

Where I work, I tend to get given a lot of different units. Some are blinged up while some are a bit grubby. I treat it like I’m a guest in someones home and leave it exactly as I find it. It really is of no interest to me if the regular driver wishes to personalise his truck.
I always wipe the controls with a wet wipe before I drive though !




im sure Jem is [zb] himself at your online threat, you work for the same company, you know his motor, how not go and lamp him one instead of being a crybaby online? :unamused:

You are not in possession of the full facts.
I work on a casual basis, 1 maybe 2 days a week, so I do not know the regular drivers, nor do they know me. But I have a feeling this may change pretty quickly.
Thanks for the crybaby refrence, it shows real maturity on your part.

calling you a crybaby was me being civil. plenty of other people on here wouldve called you worse. why didnt you mention the 12v lighter in your first post? you said i wasnt in possession of the full facts, unless you say you are agency or casual we can only assume you are a full time driver who’s motor is in for a service. ive said it before, but being a hardman on the internet doesnt count for much?

You must have missed this bit then :

“It is just a bit of light hearted relief and a bit of a laugh on my part”…

Life is too incredibly short to be serious about anything, especially a job.
As for an internet website…Well, it aint even real is it. :unamused:

As for being a hardman…I am too old and outta shape for that mullarky :laughing:

Good original post , :laughing:

You will find that some people on here take life way to seriously and believe every single thing they hear or read , are quick to jump on the lemming band wagon and stick the boot in but when you have the misfortune to meet this people in a place outside of their zone ie "the real world " they dont say boo to a goose . :laughing:

Hope that helps.

From an agency driver to the regular driver:

"I fully go along with the idea that: “this is my home for the week, please respect it”. I will make every effort to leave the vehicle as clean as possible, given the time and facilities to do so. I will take any of my own litter home and I won’t put my coat on top of the clean bunk. I don’t smoke anyway and should I accidentally spill coffee I will clear it up.

However, I get just as tired as any regular driver and I will not be banned from lying on the bunk during the day. I will remove my boots, place a clean towel over any headrest/pillow, - or remove it entirely - and a clean carrier bag where my feet rest.

As said, even if it has been a 15 hour day, I will spend 10 minutes of my own time having a wipe and tidy if necessary, but I am very sorry I am not washing the outside and queueing for fuel in my own time. I will report to the traffic office that these things have not been done; if the message doesn’t get through, then that is between you and them."

PS. “Just so that you know, it was me who cleaned the inside of the windows, replaced the broken indicator lens, the three blown rear light bulbs and the cracked mirror lens. You will find a fresh tacho roll in the ashtray. I have however left the greasy tangled suzies exactly as I found them.”

Safe Journey.

Top post att!! Waste all their hard earned on somebody elses wagon! You should curl one off on his new cab mats next time mate! :laughing:

This is a proper rant :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If you have to drive a wagon that is “Truckfest standard” should you spend the equivalent time putting it back in said condition, or a quick swill off?
I do the latter. If someone wants to ponce about on it in their own time it’s down to them but I’d rather be at home having my tea.
I’ll sweep the inside out too but forget polishing the pedals etc.

if the truck was on auto pilot i wonder if it would default straight to certain dodgy lay byes.

took the words out of my mouth :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


Seriously, It’s someone else’s motor Personally I find all the tat riduculous but I would leave it like I found it.

My thoughts exactly.

If other drivers want all that bling in their cabs, that’s entirely up to them.
Makes no difference to me whatsoever, not doing me any harm.

Depends if the frilly curtains and nameplate sayin ■■■■■’ block your view.

And I will add…I have not made any threats in this thread, nor would I, it is not my style.

So what’s this thread all about then? Someone winges about you, so you come on here to winge about him?

No, he is just outlining how silly some drivers are and having a joke about it

it shows real maturity on your part.

:unamused: :unamused:

Quite. Lots of folk on here should be interior designers not lorry drivers. That’s the best job for frills and tarts! :laughing:

Like some I use a different unit most nights, too expensive to have a couple of units dedicated to night trunks. I don’t move anything or clean anywhere, other than my work space. Some are spotless others I wouldn’t put my dog in, yes I mean yours Evans. The boss will not let you wash the units in work time! So I dont. I do fill them up every evening/ morning depending on how much is in the tank, usually down to quarter tank or worse. All my rubbish is taken out and it’s left as I find it. Anyone expecting anything else is a fool.We have one chap that spends time and money cleaning every unit he is given from top to bottom, does a great job too. The tm then gives him another unit the next time out! I’ve told him he is being used as a cheap valet service but he won’t have it.

Good post Att,and very funny too,i have been accused of said offences of pulling off the cab curtains,when i had not touched them,the night driver put a moan in for me,and accused of spilling coffee too.
I have cab hopped in cabs with enough junk in them they need a trailer to store all the useless tat in,most of it was broken or of no use in the running of the truck,it was like the free stuff that you see at garage sales,junk and more,and no room to store my tramping kit.
It must take a day to empty the cab,the garage can not jack the cab up,as all the tat is hidden and will break the windscreen.
I had one of those puffer air fresh things,that gave me a fright the first time it “puffed off”,lol.

Wow OP, I bet you feel really pleased with yourself…good job the rest of the world can see you for the knob you are.

I agree with ATT,the frilly curtains are ridiculous,look at me in my blinged up passion wagon,and cab full of useless tat and chrome malarky,the boss is on the registration document,but they think they own the thing.Dont like,dont read it.

del trotter:
Wow OP, I bet you feel really pleased with yourself…good job the rest of the world can see you for the knob you are.

Yup, total knob mate, shouldn`t even be allowed out in public :sunglasses:

opinions are amazing, people cant respect that others like adding some extras to a wagon. others cant respect some dont like them. but neither will budge on that. Blinged motor guys probably thing ‘normal’ wagons are boring and dont care about the job, and we all know the other opinion. I do know thats some guys spend more time in their cab than their house, why shouldnt they add a few touches? Im almost certain that the people on here talking crap about the frilly curtains, have curtains, tv’s fancy quilts in their houses. :question:

Id rather get in a motor with shiny bling every where than one that’s a flea pit
So you took this guys motor out n some 12v socket thing was broke so he went whining to the boss he was wrong to do that
I can c your post is tongue in check n your just a little peeved with being rung at home about some blokes waggon I would be aswell
I don’t like frilly curtains but if some drivers do that’s there perogotive
Why do people come on here and constinany knock them?
I look at it as someone who takes pride in there lorry generally takes pride in there work
Yes they don’t own the lorry but people who rent flats houses don’t own them they still personalise them
If you work for a big company you must expect that even tho you are located a set unit to live in drive all week when your off it may get used buy others if there’s a small stain on the seat you could try to remove it yourself, instead of running to the boss
Malicious damage is on the ova hand a different matter