Drivers to pay for their own waiting time?

Having finally just received a photo off a friend at a company I used to work for, I’m not overly sure I can actually believe the nerve if it! Sure, if a driver sits at a delivery/collection point for hours on a daily basis and doesn’t inform the traffic office then I can understand the planners and managements frustration. I feel on this point they’re definitely taking liberties on what is a fair working practice, and balance of trust.

I have cropped the titles and company name for reasons not offending anybody. The picture is also not the best and so I’ve followed it with the words printed.


Waiting time at collection and delivery points

Every driver is to be aware of the 20 minute rule

If you are at a delivery or collection point and have been waiting for 20 minutes you are to telephone the traffic office


In future if any driver fails to inform the traffic office of any excessive delays, YOUR pay will be reduced by the equivalent time to compensate the company


Simple Rule is:

Totally illegal unless it is written into the contract of employment. They can not make deductions from your pay without your written consent.

No doubt there will be a long queue of drivers willing to sign up to this one. They only get away with it because drivers let them.

I think you should name and shame the company.

Well, they always did use bully boy tactics. I told them to stick their job up their arse after 6 months. I’m not going to name and shame, but they are a company in Bradford. I’m sure a few drivers will have been to their yard at some point.

Probably scare tactics so that drivers call it in.

So how do you do this when you have had to give up the keys, so therefore no longer have access to the cab phone?
Oh yes oh course, you pay to use your own personal mobile for the company’s benefit. Only to hear: " he’s on the other line at the moment, hold on."
Having heard the argument: “but you get free minutes so what’s the problem?” The problem is that the company don’t pay the rental so the free minutes don’t belong to them.

On the other hand, maybe the company have asked drivers to keep them informed of delays and as usual a ■■■■■■■■ of muppetts can’t be arsed.

With some people the only thing they understand or are interested in is their pocket, the well being and future of the company they’re too thick to see matters to everyone including them, the threat of the pocket being hit will wake most up.

Very difficult to deal properly with unreasonable often depressed arses, you can’t have a normal discussion with them they usually hate the job but won’t leave, they do the rest of the workforce no good and cost the company serious money, yes we know the reasonable company should weed them out asap but the plonkers somehow manage to behave themselves till they’ve been employed long enough for job protection legislation to kick in then they start the stress related sickies…bloody useless people.

So how do you do this when you have had to give up the keys, so therefore no longer have access to the cab phone?
Oh yes oh course, you pay to use your own personal mobile for the company’s benefit. Only to hear: " he’s on the other line at the moment, hold on."
Having heard the argument: “but you get free minutes so what’s the problem?” The problem is that the company don’t pay the rental so the free minutes don’t belong to them.

This particular company doesn’t have cab phones. All drivers are provided with a company mobile phone. Although, questions have been raised that they’re bollocked every time they don’t answer, even if they’re driving. Not good when the company refuses to pay for hands free devices.

On the other hand, maybe the company have asked drivers to keep them informed of delays and as usual a ■■■■■■■■ of muppetts can’t be arsed.

With some people the only thing they understand or are interested in is their pocket, the well being and future of the company they’re too thick to see matters to everyone including them, the threat of the pocket being hit will wake most up.

Very difficult to deal properly with unreasonable often depressed arses, you can’t have a normal discussion with them they usually hate the job but won’t leave, they do the rest of the workforce no good and cost the company serious money, yes we know the reasonable company should weed them out asap but the plonkers somehow manage to behave themselves till they’ve been employed long enough for job protection legislation to kick in then they start the stress related sickies…bloody useless people.

I hear what you’re saying, and can understand the frustration involved with drivers who won’t call in any delays! But come on, every 20 minutes? How many drivers manage to make a delivery in 20 minutes? How many jobs even start loading/unloading in 20 minutes? I can understand the argument for drivers having to call in every hour or so, but I feel this has gone too far!

On the other hand, maybe the company have asked drivers to keep them informed of delays and as usual a ■■■■■■■■ of muppetts can’t be arsed.

With some people the only thing they understand or are interested in is their pocket, the well being and future of the company they’re too thick to see matters to everyone including them, the threat of the pocket being hit will wake most up.

Very difficult to deal properly with unreasonable often depressed arses, you can’t have a normal discussion with them they usually hate the job but won’t leave, they do the rest of the workforce no good and cost the company serious money, yes we know the reasonable company should weed them out asap but the plonkers somehow manage to behave themselves till they’ve been employed long enough for job protection legislation to kick in then they start the stress related sickies…bloody useless people.

My thoughts exactly !

Can’t see how they can ‘Dock’ your wages.
But what’s wrong with calling in ?
I always call in with any delays. Balls in their court then.

Can’t understand drivers with ‘I’m not using my own phone’ attitude !
Most of us have got a company phone or our own phone or Smart phone on contract, with free minutes. If the office don’t answer I just email one of the planers, that way, there’s electronic evidence that you did all you could to contact the office. (Costs me nothing ! Except a few ‘Free’ minutes ! that ultimately the company paid for anyway !) You could always go in the Dole !!!




I hear what you’re saying, and can understand the frustration involved with drivers who won’t call in any delays! But come on, every 20 minutes?

I don’t read it as every 20 minutes, i assume it means 20 minutes after arriving at a drop if no action then phone in.

Sounds entirely reasonable to me.

As for drivers getting bollocked for not answering the phone whilst on the move with no hands free available (or do they supply earpieces instead?), thats easily sorted with a letter to a manager asking for clarification of legal requirements re hand held telephone practice whilst driving, the bollockings will stop immediately guranteed.





I hear what you’re saying, and can understand the frustration involved with drivers who won’t call in any delays! But come on, every 20 minutes?

I don’t read it as every 20 minutes, i assume it means 20 minutes after arriving at a drop if no action then phone in.

Sounds entirely reasonable to me.

As for drivers getting bollocked for not answering the phone whilst on the move with no hands free available (or do they supply earpieces instead?), thats easily sorted with a letter to a manager asking for clarification of legal requirements re hand held telephone practice whilst driving, the bollockings will stop immediately guranteed.

When I worked there (approx 3 years ago) it was expected that you rang in every 20 minutes from getting to a job, and leaving again. This was strictly told to us, and that’s just the way it is. Amazing how their idea’s change when they give you an 8:00pm tip at Morrisons, Wakefield, and you’re still ringing in well after they’ve gone home - thus, interrupting their personal time.



Most of us have got a company phone or our own phone or Smart phone on contract, with free minutes. If the office don’t answer I just email one of the planers, that way, there’s electronic evidence that you did all you could to contact the office. (Costs me nothing ! Except a few ‘Free’ minutes ! that ultimately the company paid for anyway !) You could always go in the Dole !!!

I used to work with a bloke on £45/48k on the transporters, he actually complained about using his home electric to charge his company ipod thingy…mind you when he used his own phone he’d charge all calls at £1 or £2 depending on duration, some can’t help themselves taking the P.

You have to see what idiots some drivers are, i couldn’t employ people i’d blow a gasket.

Totaly illegal, you are a company representative =driver…there on there behalf…not yours you are paid a wage to drive and other duties loading unloading, waiting time is there problem not the drivers, ring in of course but its down to the company to kick the customers arse and get things moving…charge demurage after a specific time…it works with container shipping lines. if the driver is there on time for his slot why should you have to wait for hours ? if your late to your pick up or drop they soon kick off… :confused:

I’m guessing said company provides said drivers with a suitable telecommunication device to make said conversation with said office

. . . If not I would invoice £40 for each phone call :smiley:

So what happens when you do ring in :question: nothing,we get told to ring in if not tipped loaded after 45 mins,and after 5 yrs of doing this vie NEVER been pulled out yet :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: that’s if you can get anyone to answer or return your call :unamused: :unamused: .
It’s very easy to blame the driver but these companies have the evidence of what companies,rdc,tin pot back alley companies hold you there for hour upon hour but instead of binning them or pulling truck out after a hour they just whinge atthe driver as if its his fault he’s still there after xxxxxxxx amount of hours :unamused:
And don’t even get me started on sending you in for a 15 .oo collection at 8.00 am :unamused: :unamused:

On the other hand, maybe the company have asked drivers to keep them informed of delays and as usual a ■■■■■■■■ of muppetts can’t be arsed.

With some people the only thing they understand or are interested in is their pocket, the well being and future of the company they’re too thick to see matters to everyone including them, the threat of the pocket being hit will wake most up.

Very difficult to deal properly with unreasonable often depressed arses, you can’t have a normal discussion with them they usually hate the job but won’t leave, they do the rest of the workforce no good and cost the company serious money, yes we know the reasonable company should weed them out asap but the plonkers somehow manage to behave themselves till they’ve been employed long enough for job protection legislation to kick in then they start the stress related sickies…bloody useless people.

Are you a gaffer ?


On the other hand, maybe the company have asked drivers to keep them informed of delays and as usual a ■■■■■■■■ of muppetts can’t be arsed.

With some people the only thing they understand or are interested in is their pocket, the well being and future of the company they’re too thick to see matters to everyone including them, the threat of the pocket being hit will wake most up.

Very difficult to deal properly with unreasonable often depressed arses, you can’t have a normal discussion with them they usually hate the job but won’t leave, they do the rest of the workforce no good and cost the company serious money, yes we know the reasonable company should weed them out asap but the plonkers somehow manage to behave themselves till they’ve been employed long enough for job protection legislation to kick in then they start the stress related sickies…bloody useless people.

Are you a gaffer ?

Possibly, but the point still stands.

Maybe if drivers started pestering bosses after 20 minutes waiting time and every supplier/haulier charged demurrage then maybe these RDC’s will be forced to get their act together.

I agree with phoning in when there is a problem but not with the deduction of wages.
But like it has already been said, some people only understand things when it affects them financially. What other ‘penalty’ would encourage the lazy driver to call it in?

Totaly illegal, you are a company representative =driver…there on there behalf…not yours you are paid a wage to drive and other duties loading unloading, waiting time is there problem not the drivers, ring in of course but its down to the company to kick the customers arse and get things moving…charge demurage after a specific time…it works with container shipping lines. if the driver is there on time for his slot why should you have to wait for hours ? if your late to your pick up or drop they soon kick off… :confused:

But if you don’t let them know you’re waiting they don’t know they’ve got a problem!! All they’re asking is you ring them to let them know


Totaly illegal, you are a company representative =driver…there on there behalf…not yours you are paid a wage to drive and other duties loading unloading, waiting time is there problem not the drivers, ring in of course but its down to the company to kick the customers arse and get things moving…charge demurage after a specific time…it works with container shipping lines. if the driver is there on time for his slot why should you have to wait for hours ? if your late to your pick up or drop they soon kick off… :confused:

But if you don’t let them know you’re waiting they don’t know they’ve got a problem!! All they’re asking is you ring them to let them know

Do you not feel that every 20 minutes is a little excessive though?



Are you a gaffer ?

Nope just another hairy arsed driver who happens to have a very good job, and appreciates it, and tries his best like anyone with an ounce of sense to make sure the job lasts.

I’d never make a gaffer, couldn’t put up with the childish petty wingeing of so many.



Totaly illegal, you are a company representative =driver…there on there behalf…not yours you are paid a wage to drive and other duties loading unloading, waiting time is there problem not the drivers, ring in of course but its down to the company to kick the customers arse and get things moving…charge demurage after a specific time…it works with container shipping lines. if the driver is there on time for his slot why should you have to wait for hours ? if your late to your pick up or drop they soon kick off… :confused:

But if you don’t let them know you’re waiting they don’t know they’ve got a problem!! All they’re asking is you ring them to let them know

Do you not feel that every 20 minutes is a little excessive though?

It depends on on if you’re on single pallet multiple drops, or red’s etc, they might have agreements with customers of fast turn a rounds and priced accordingly, they just might be sick of all the waiting and lost time / money that goes on at rdc’s and making a stand! Of course it’s a bit optimistic, but there’s harder ways to earn a living than pick up the phone once every 20 minutes, but it would get on my ■■■■ if was was trying to get a kip!