Drivers steering knob for Daf 65? (No jokes pls)

Our CPC guy said they were trying to make these illegal? Any truth in that or more BS?

I thought they already were, as far as I can see the only people who should need them are disabled drivers in specially adapted vehicles.

One of our 7.5 tonners has one on and when i drove it a few weeks ago i ended up with a slice in my right hand from the bloody thing.

Our CPC guy said they were trying to make these illegal? Any truth in that or more BS?

MMTM! :smiley:

If i find one in a truck I am asked to drive I bring out a little adjustable spanner ( metric) that I carry specially for the job and remove knob and put it in the nearest locker ( overhead or underbunk) . Safest place for them in my opinion .

If i find one in a truck I am asked to drive I bring out a little adjustable spanner ( metric) that I carry specially for the job and remove knob and put it in the nearest locker ( overhead or underbunk) . Safest place for them in my opinion .

how can a adjustable spanner be either metric or imperial :question: :smiley: :smiley:

I bring out a little adjustable spanner ( metric)

eh? :question:

how can a adjustable spanner be either metric or imperial :question: :smiley: :smiley:

If it was a British truck it’d have to be a Whitworth! :smiley:

(Brings back memories… used to send apprentices to the stores for a “metric adjustable spanner” :grimacing: )

They ARE illegal, unless you are a one-armed driver.

Fail if you submit a truck for test with one on.

gnasty gnome:

how can a adjustable spanner be either metric or imperial :question: :smiley: :smiley:

If it was a British truck it’d have to be a Whitworth! :smiley:

(Brings back memories… used to send apprentices to the stores for a “metric adjustable spanner” :grimacing: )

Left handed screwdriver ■■ Glass hammer ■■? Long Stand ■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

dont like them but what is the failure reason in the manual for them

I know a driver who loved his steering wheel knob, wouldn’t be without it. Soon changed his tune when the knob came off in his hand going round a corner one day. Hates them now! Fortunately no accident occurred though. I have a name for those steering wheel knobs but some might find it offensive! :wink:

I’ve got one in my truck.
I don’t mind admitting it,I see lots of other trucks with them fitted.
It’s my truck so I shall put what the ■■■■ I want on it I don’t need the approval of all you super truckers.
Ok maybe it’s because I is ■■■■ at reversing, I like it and that’s that.
Also I leave me shoes on the top step and drive in carpet slippers.
Is that against some code of ruggedness or what?
Get a life FFS.

This is one of those rare occasions when I would agree with drivers having to pay for damage to a vehicle, steering wheel knobs inevitably cause damage to the steering wheel.

Only had one once, when I got a a very early series 2 FH. The steering wheel was a horrible slippery thing. Shame, beacuse the wheel in the old FH was the biz.

Disagree with the lot of you, I have used one since the 80s and wouldn’t be without it, if I get another motor without one it just feels strange, done 1000s of Ks over the years with my hand around my knob (mrs)… so zb you all :laughing: :laughing:
I can’t believe I’m the only one but it’s always the same on here every body jumps on something however trivial, everybody joins in, and few have the Max Walls to disagree :unamused:

I can’t believe I’m the only one but it’s always the same on here every body jumps on something however trivial, everybody joins in, and few have the Max Walls to disagree :unamused:

If it works for you, then fine. As you can see it doesn’t for the majority on here, and for various reasons.

Personally I dislike the things to the extent that, in the unlikely event of me owning a transport company, any employee of mine who fitted one without asking would be sacked on the spot for damaging company property. :wink:

Just out of interest; as a long-time user, do you have to remove the knob before MOT, and more to the point has the vehicle ever been failed because it was fitted? Serious question because there’s a lot of MMTM about this.

No seriously GG, I have fitted it to numerous motors which have been tested in UK, Holland, and Belgium and have never been told to remove it, as for your damage point I have a piece of thick rubber grip to absorb the tension, so it has never torn into the wheel, but I admit it does create a flat spot.

Well that post put the cat amongst the pigeons. I never thought it would generate that much response! :laughing:
I’ve ordered one anyway, don’t really give a hoot what anybody thinks! :slight_smile: