Drivers Spare Time Hobbies - Non-Commercial Sites Needed

Hi Guys

I appreciate you arent allowed to give a commercial site address on this site so I wont put mine in.

Ive just set up a site and im looking for sites to list on my site in return for a link back to mine. Now im sure all of you appreciate how useful this site is for truckers, im looking for similar sites such as forums.

Im looking for non-commercial sites that people use for their spare time hobbies, interests, sports, leisure, holiday info, that kind of thing. So if youre a gardener id love to find out which forums you use for advice, and the same for all other leisure interests.

If you guys could post the URLs and the web name and the leisure interest it is for that would be marvellous.

It may also help other truckers on this site in their limited spare time!

btw ive just had a cartillage op on my knee, so that explains all the time on my hands to set up a site!

thanks guys


You only need one link

That’ll find any hobbies, interests, sports, leisure, holiday info, gardening sites that are out there.

Sorted. :smiley:

Oops sorry, :blush: :blush: now you are back to having loads of free time on your hands. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You evil git neil :laughing:

Im already doing the google thing.

Google dont list every site, so there are many out there which arent highly listed yet are useful to people interested in the hobbies they represent, for example forums just starting out.

Also, there may be truckers who run forums for their interests who may appreciate being listed on my site.

Id appreciate helpful comments from people who actually do have sites that they use.

