Drivers provides education to the public ;-)

I am on general haulage now. Local pallet deliveries. Boring, heavy job, but nice people in the company.

Anyway, had a delivery to the private home. Home was a sandhouse on the hill, about 20 steps to get there. Knocked at the doors, lady told me to carry it upstairs. I told “sorry, this is the pallet delivery”. She said “But I need it upstairs”. I said: “I am sorry, but we delivering to the kerb and +10 metres if possible to get it there on the pallet track”. She scratched her head “Ok, so here at the doors please”. I told “I am sorry, lady, but I can’t take pallet truck upstairs”. She said “What do you mean you can’t, B&Q sends two people to do the job and they carry it and put wherever you want”. “Why then you did not bought your bathroom suite from B&Q then?” I asked. She answered “Because it was cheaper that way”. “So now you know why” - my answer was.

She went silent for the while and then she tried to take me on the merciful grounds: Oh, so what I can do, I am a lonely woman… I can’t carry it myself." “I can’t carry it myself as well, but there are the builders working in flat next to you, maybe you’ll ask them for help”. “But if they help me, I will have to pay them for that!”. “That how the world is” - I gave her another economy lesson - You have it free only if you do it yourself. Do you think that if they don’t want to do it for free if it’s many of them, I will do it for free myself?" “Oh, you have not much choice!” she answered thinking that she got me now.

“That’s true” - my answer was - “I have only two options: to leave it on the pavement down there, or to take it back with me”.

She choosed option two, as I can guess from that she throwed her paperwork in my face and slammed the doors at me. “Thank you, milady, have nice day” - said me to the closed doors, as I am always polite, even if my customers aren’t :grimacing: :grimacing:

Somehow instead of ■■■■ me off, it made me smiling for the rest of the day… Am I strange?

And by the way: I don’t mind to help people from time to time, but you can’t expect from me that I will carry the boxes up to 70kgs myself up 20 stairs and than to the upper flat…

I thought you poles were grafters :laughing:

Big Brummie Macca:
I thought you poles were grafters :laughing:

There is many hardworking Poles (plenty of lazy ones as well) but I never met any who was doing hard work for free :slight_smile: (unless in some voluntary organization, but it wasn’t charity bathroom deliveries, I was at work in Palletways :smiley:)

Was she attractive you could of asked what payment was on offer :wink:

The funny thing is Orys, you will make a deliver to a dead easy house with a big bloke to help, and he will give you a tenner for your trouble.

When I am given a house delivery I like to phone first to make sure that they are aware of the situation. Still sometimes get asked to drag 1100kg of bricks round the back over gravel, but mostly it works OK.

I don’t know who you are working for but in our company we aren’t allowed to leave until we have phoned in and the supplier has talked to their customer. It’s up to them to agree how to deal with the problem.

… and then she tried to take me on the merciful grounds…

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Lucky you orys!! :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

“Because it was cheaper that way”.
“So now you know why”

“Oh, you have not much choice!”

… and then you proved her wrong!

Well played all round that man!