Drivers lobby to meet Government

I am in the process of setting up a small team of drivers that will be representing all UK drivers at a meeting with “Shadow Government Ministers”
This has come about, by the campaign “Enough” is “Enough”

Details can be seen at :arrow_right:

Any Driver that would like to be involved with the meeting and could add valuable input to the team please post, or contact me.
Now is the time to speak up and say what you would like to be mentioned at the meeting, things like parking, security, MSAs, are all obvious issues and many more within the campaign heading.
So have a say and I will read all comments as I build up an agenda for the meeting.

Can I stress that this campaign is by Truckersworld and has nothing to do with TruckNetUK, but Lucy has kindly allowed me to inform you the drivers of a meeting that must be a first for drivers, and could lead on to drivers finally getting a say on their future.

Thank you “Lucy”

Any Driver that would like to be involved with the meeting and could add valuable input to the team please post, or contact me.

Note: that means post on Barrie’s site, on the link provided above, as that is where the campaign is being ran from. Posting there will keep everything in one place, rather than spread across different sites, making it easier for Barrie to coordinate.

Thanks for pointing that out “Coffeeholic”

The previous comments that were made by drivers have all been sent on to show how low the morale is. and to give an idea of drivers problems. :frowning: :frowning:

Never too late for anyone to add their comment or just sign up like the other “187”
Thanks to all in advance :smiley: :smiley: