drivers hours

hi guys
can anyboby tell me if there is any easy way to learn about drivers hours and rest periods iv been trying to understand about weekly rest periods and things like that but it just aint sinking in iv been reading it on vosa’s website but i was hoping that you guys(and gals) could help me out as your the ones in the know

Steve, this is a pretty large subject!

There’s a free DVD on the front of this month’s Truck & Driver magazine which should help to clear up any grey areas for you.

There are those on this forum who are far more qualified than me to give advice on tachograph rules etc, is there anything specific you need to know?

Maybe you could ask your company to host a drivers hours seminar for all the firm’s drivers. I know the RHA will sent a bod to your workplace to explain it all and I’m sure there’s other organisations who’ll do the same. It’ll be a good thing for the firm too because they will be able to show that they’re committed to ongoing driver training.

Just a few ideas mate and I wish you luck. I’m certain that some of the other forum members will be able to expertly answer any specific drivers hours questions. (Weekly rest is a minimum of 45 hours and must begin no later than the end of the 6th 24hr period from the end of the previous weekly rest. This basically means you can work for 6 shifts then you gotta have 45 hrs off. It can be reduced [to 24hrs] but then you have to “pay it back” during the next weekly rest, but I’d learn to walk before trying to run :wink: )

I suggest you first download and read the EU regulations pages 13 to 20 Rules on Drivers’ Hours and Tachographs, and then post in this forum about any thing you don’t understand.

It will take a while for every thing to make sense but persevere and all will become clear in time, don’t try to learn it all at once start with the driving hours and breaks then move onto daily rest, weekly rest ec’t, take it one step at a time.

There’s always people around here who will gladly help with questions so don’t hesitate to ask, most of us can remember how confusing the regulations seemed when we first started to learn them :wink:

Truckers Handbook ■■? :wink:

(Weekly rest is a minimum of 45 hours and must begin no later than the end of the 6th 24hr period from the end of the previous weekly rest. This basically means you can work for 6 shifts then you gotta have 45 hrs off. It can be reduced [to 24hrs] but then you have to "pay it back" during the next weekly rest, but I’d learn to walk before trying to run :wink: )

Not quite m8, reduced weekly rest has to be paid back en block by the end of the third week following the week in which the reduced weekly rest was taken :wink:

The pay back can be added on to any rest period of at least 9 hours.

…it’s been a while :wink: