Drivers hours rule being relaxed?

Did I just hear correctly?
Just said on the news (radio 1) that the govt is relaxing the EU driving regs in compensation for the hold ups from the immigrants in France.
The radio never really elaborated so don’t know what they are relaxing.

Is this gonna be like a free for all for drivers to get some overtime in or does it just apply for the drivers who are crossing the channel?

Not saying drivers should go over their hours or anything, just interesting news for the day! … ial-action

The driver’s can now work 168 hrs per week, instead of 84. They’ll be putting a lot of those £7.50’s in their pocket, now.

Just drivers shipping over or back going on the previous time they did this you will need ferry or train ticket as proof of crossing its all very well with police around calais and dover but try telling a spanish or german policeman what you done

The driver’s can now work 168 hrs per week, instead of 84. They’ll be putting a lot of those £7.50’s in their pocket, now.


It’s just a ploy by the government to make them look like they are doing something. It’s totally meaningless when the drivers have to go over anyway, and as said when you’re in the south of Italy or Hungary etc on a roadside check trying to explain something that probably isn’t even in the news there


The driver’s can now work 168 hrs per week, instead of 84. They’ll be putting a lot of those £7.50’s in their pocket, now.


He’s nothing if not repetitive

It would be amazing if the relaxation applied across the lands… but the government do have abit of common sense… ok… a fraction of abit. :laughing:

The temporary relaxation applies only to drivers whose journeys are delayed due to the industrial action or disruption at Calais and who:
- have used a cross channel ferry or Eurotunnel to reach or leave Kent
- are waiting within Kent for departure to mainland Europe
- are driving a commercial vehicle operated from an operating centre in Kent and whose journey has been disrupted

Wonder if something will actually be done. A few months ago, it was just immigrants stowing on lorries all the time but now it’s turning into a freaking invasion force! Every day, they are storming the tunnel and the lorries and trains, it’s getting worse every day. Well that’s what the radio tells us anyway, I bet it’s probably worse. What’s it gonna take for the govt to do something about it all, a driver being ripped from his truck and beaten to death (God forbid) eventually, the drivers are gonna fight back and immigrants will get hurt or even killed then the drivers will be criminalised and it will will just snowball into something bigger. That’s what I think anyway. There is only so much drivers can take before enough is enough.

Wonder if something will actually be done. A few months ago, it was just immigrants stowing on lorries all the time but now it’s turning into a freaking invasion force! Every day, they are storming the tunnel and the lorries and trains, it’s getting worse every day. Well that’s what the radio tells us anyway, I bet it’s probably worse. What’s it gonna take for the govt to do something about it all, a driver being ripped from his truck and beaten to death (God forbid) eventually, the drivers are gonna fight back and immigrants will get hurt or even killed then the drivers will be criminalised and it will will just snowball into something bigger. That’s what I think anyway. There is only so much drivers can take before enough is enough.

The BBC showed the state of the fence… they call that a fence■■? and Teresa May has pledged £7 million towards increasing security… £7 million■■? How many Emergency Departments of Hospitals will she have to close for that? or how much will our taxes go up by? :open_mouth:


Wonder if something will actually be done. A few months ago, it was just immigrants stowing on lorries all the time but now it’s turning into a freaking invasion force! Every day, they are storming the tunnel and the lorries and trains, it’s getting worse every day. Well that’s what the radio tells us anyway, I bet it’s probably worse. What’s it gonna take for the govt to do something about it all, a driver being ripped from his truck and beaten to death (God forbid) eventually, the drivers are gonna fight back and immigrants will get hurt or even killed then the drivers will be criminalised and it will will just snowball into something bigger. That’s what I think anyway. There is only so much drivers can take before enough is enough.

The BBC showed the state of the fence… they call that a fence■■? and Teresa May has pledged £7 million towards increasing security… £7 million■■? How many Emergency Departments of Hospitals will she have to close for that? or how much will our taxes go up by? :open_mouth:

£7 million is a grain of sand on a beach, in the grand scheme of tax revenues. Peanuts.

We should, have our armed forces assist the French in sorting the security out whilst this situation is solved. The problem is far more our problem that in is the French, they don’t have a whole county crippled through transport chaos.



Wonder if something will actually be done. A few months ago, it was just immigrants stowing on lorries all the time but now it’s turning into a freaking invasion force! Every day, they are storming the tunnel and the lorries and trains, it’s getting worse every day. Well that’s what the radio tells us anyway, I bet it’s probably worse. What’s it gonna take for the govt to do something about it all, a driver being ripped from his truck and beaten to death (God forbid) eventually, the drivers are gonna fight back and immigrants will get hurt or even killed then the drivers will be criminalised and it will will just snowball into something bigger. That’s what I think anyway. There is only so much drivers can take before enough is enough.

The BBC showed the state of the fence… they call that a fence■■? and Teresa May has pledged £7 million towards increasing security… £7 million■■? How many Emergency Departments of Hospitals will she have to close for that? or how much will our taxes go up by? :open_mouth:

£7 million is a grain of sand on a beach, in the grand scheme of tax revenues. Peanuts.

We should, have our armed forces assist the French in sorting the security out whilst this situation is solved. The problem is far more our problem that in is the French, they don’t have a whole county crippled through transport chaos.

Agreed with the security. 7 million is still 7 million lol

For the drivers and work in question, the EU drivers’ hours rules will be temporarily relaxed
as follows:-
• Replacement of the EU daily driving limit of 9 hours with one of 11 hours.
• Reduction of the daily rest requirements from 11 to 9 hours.
The requirement to take a 45 minute break after 4½ hours driving remains and will
continue to be rigorously enforced.

11 Hours driving a day! Wow!

Will they get paid breaks :neutral_face:

i dont believe anyone is so thick that they would need an explanation as to who the relaxing of drivers hours is aimed at ?

i would of thought its as plain as the nose on my face who the relaxation of drivers hours is directed at.

£7 million is a grain of sand on a beach, in the grand scheme of tax revenues. Peanuts.

Its still a lot of money and it has to come from somewhere. And if you think the government will just absorb that cost without taking it from somewhere else then your sadly mistaken. Something at a “lower” level will suffer from a £7 million cut.

It would be amazing if the relaxation applied across the lands…

Stuff that. We already work far too many hours as it is in this job.

What about this then:

In addition, drivers of lorries within the “Operation Stack” queue can use exceptional provision to allow them to move slowly within the queue as required and they cannot claim this as a break or rest.

WTF are they on, So what do you do if your 4.5 is up whilst you are in a que ?

What about all the drivers stuck around Kent not in Op Stack?

What about all the drivers stuck around Kent not in Op Stack?

These are the only ones not exempt ie they can have a night out as they normally would when their hours are up, those in stack have to move when police move the queue and are the ones who have no way to avoid breaking the normal rules.