Driver's hour's reg's time for a change?

if this has already been discussed then apoligies what are your thought’s on a change in driver’ hour’s regulation’s,is it not time they were simplified 15 hour working day split break’s reduced rest etc etc much simpler max 13 hour shift 11 off no need for reduced rest 6 shift’s one week 5 the next simple’s or am I barking up the wrong tree I seem to recal that it is now 20014 and our industry seem’s to be the only one to work these stupid hour’s the average worker in the uk does an 8 hour shift we do almost double the hour’s for half the pay and the roads are a hell of a lot busier than when these ancient rule’s were brought in its no wonder there are so many accident’s on our roads with lack of rest being a major factor so how do we get it changed ? and before you start whinging about losing hour’s there is 9 hour’s difference in earning’s 75 max working as opposed to 84 working and ime sure there are not many doing 84 anyway so any thought’ and comment’ welcome

Yeah fine I really want to sleep in q truck when on a day or night run and get delayed. Yes it will lead to lower earning every one will be working a max 10 hr day but will lead to high costs for employers as more drivers will be required to do the job ie more trucks on the road to cover the same work.

If you don’t like the hrs regs get out or become a courier and tipple the hrs you’ll do

Italy uk 24 hrs. You get the picture

so you like working 15 hour shift’s that’s more than half of your day at work its 2014 not 1914

The job is the job. Don’t like it - get out. It ain’t for everyone.

ok so like most of you on here ive been doin this job for most of my adult life and approaching 59 it used to be enjoyable but not anymore too much traffic to many numpties on the road on there phone’s computer’s etc and you say get out oh! I wish I could but again like most ive got a mortgage to pay and nobody wants a 59 yr old trucker with no other qualifications but who will probably learn quicker and be willing to try something new but what are the chance’s of that virtually zero so I will carry on with the dinosaur’s in this industry or did I mean monkey’s working for peanut’s oh! yeah monkey’s peanut’s :smiling_imp:

when i passed my Class 1 in 1979 it was 12 and a half hours max. that was enough hours for us at the time.

Nothing wrong with the hours , we just need to loose the WTD rules

Yeah, that’s right - I’m a monkey :unamused:
Passed my Class 1 at 21 (50 now), and I stand by what I said - if you can’t hack it anymore, get the ■■■■ out - if only for the sake of your health…

…and you say get out oh! I wish I could but again like most ive got a mortgage to pay and nobody wants a 59 yr old trucker with no other qualifications

I got out at 52 with no qualifications, went and got myself some and a career change. If you really want to you can do it.

The Sarge:
Yeah, that’s right - I’m a monkey :unamused:
Passed my Class 1 at 21 (50 now), and I stand by what I said - if you can’t hack it anymore, get the [zb] out - if only for the sake of your health…

well sarge ime a bit older than you 59 ive been driving since I was 17 so I know this job we have always been taken for a ride by our employer’s ive had a couple of what I would call good employer’s but they are few and far between and guess what theyre not here anymore as for getting out I would do it tomorrow but ive still got bills to pay like most but you are the kind of driver that’s keeping our wages low I suppose you’ve got a big shiny truck and you love living in it well good for you at the end of the day its a job and not the job it was our bosses have got richer and us at the sharp end well work it out I bet your boss don’t work 60/70 hour’s sleeping in a tin box on the side of the road for peanuts he’s at home in his big house rubbing his hands and if he tells you youre the most important part of his empire then he is right you get the s~#t he gets the money :laughing:

Not every job requires you to sleep in a tin box and do Max hours every week.

I know mine doesn’t, get a different one if you don’t like the one you have now.

Also, please use punctuation more often. :open_mouth:

when i passed my Class 1 in 1979 it was 12 and a half hours max. that was enough hours for us at the time.

changed in 1984 for the worse :unamused: :cry: :imp: too many cavemen on here, trying to knock dinosaur out of sky with THEIR flints! :grimacing: less hours= more pay! :sunglasses: but screwdrivers can’t get unionised :laughing: Whilst their gaffers are on a beach in the Bahamas! :open_mouth: " ooh look at my pay slip £500 take home 84 max hours/ 144 hours with no life " wake up boys/ girls IT’S 2014 :wink:

Not every job requires you to sleep in a tin box and do Max hours every week.

I know mine doesn’t, get a different one if you don’t like the one you have now.

Also, please use punctuation more often. :open_mouth:

I don’t post on here to be lectured on punctuation

Perhaps not, but it would make your posts easier to read.

The maximum working day should be 12 hours and it could be if there was a will to do it , but managers and companies take the easy option and lick the arse of the big multinationals.

Before the 80hrs a week mob start typing dont bother I dont care what you think. Some turkeys always vote for Christmas.

The last poster is spot on. There are many drivers out there that just couldn’t not contemplate a short or easier week it has to be kept lit etc. I think 13 hour max day is workable for everyone.

12 on, 12 off. Weekend lorry bans to bring us in line with much of Europe (as this seems to suit our cherry picking Govt).

the maoster:
12 on, 12 off. Weekend lorry bans to bring us in line with much of Europe (as this seems to suit our cherry picking Govt).

Fully agree

the maoster:
12 on, 12 off. Weekend lorry bans to bring us in line with much of Europe (as this seems to suit our cherry picking Govt).

I’d like to keep the 13 hour day but with only 4 shifts per week. Some runs we do would be a struggle in only 12 hours. I think 52 hours max duty is enough and is still more than most other professions.

Get rid of all these silly rules too about fixed weeks and reduced this and extended that.

It seems to me that the hours and conditions have got worse as the years roll by, some drivers actually like working long hours ( ( ive read their comments ) but i believe the majority would like a change and i think the biggest bugbear is the 15 hour day which employers have written into their curriculum. When i started it was always a 12/13 hour day and i have always envisaged a 12 on 12 off regime and although many are saying get out, find another job ` its not that easy. There are many drivers like myself who never had a choice, we never had a college education but we could drive a car and then progressed to a lorry, i mean anyone can do it right ! there are also many drivers who are happy in the industry to carry on as it is but there are also those who get paid by the hour so a reduction in hours means less pay. Ok it may mean employers needing more drivers thats a good thing but the rates will have to go up and so what, its what this industry needs but are reluctant to implement because of others doing the job for less because this is a cut throat industry always has been always will be and the drivers the ones who matter most because they are on the front line get the brunt of it. Yes we are working under 2 sets of rules and one has to go to simplify it but if we dont make a stand, it will stay the same as it always has and we will continue to be walked over. I stand my ground and wont be walked over i have lost jobs through it but walked out with my head held high for doing it, but often with my tail between my legs. I know there is a lot of jobs out there that cant be filled either because the money is crap or the hours are long but at the end of the day i dont believe there is enough new blood coming in, a young fella with a couple of kids has to spend a few quid to get his licence, then if he can get a start, often has to leave home when the kids are asleep, and arrives home when they have just gone to bed and very little social time to interract with his family, let alone go out somewhere because of the cost of that and the low wage not to mention the high cost of living, and there are more youngsters today going to college and then onto Uni gaining valuable education that will see them through life, without the need to put up with what we have to.