i spent weeks building one, most of it was looking for formulas like this
=IF(E3>F3,F3+1-E3,F3-E3) formula for total hours cell
E3 is start time
F3 is finish time
G3 is your total hours
Be interesting to know how accurate and comprehensive that sheet is! For example, the need to attribute instances of extended driving time to fixed weeks, whereas instances of reduced daily rests are attributed to a rolling period which begins with the end of the latest weekly rest which precedes the daily rest in question (and the need to differentiate between reduced daily rest and split daily rest) makes the logic absurdly complex.
Edit, thinking more about this…
It also strikes me that there are ambiguities in the rules - for example, if an instance of extended driving time straddles two fixed weeks (i.e. ignoring the need for driving breaks, driving begins on Sun, 2017-07-30 at 1900, and finishes on Mon, 2017-07-31 at 0500, a ■■■■■■■■■■ driving time of 10 hours in total), then to which fixed week is the extension attributed for the purpose of counting whether the two-extensions-per-week limit has been reached?
Also, most drivers aren’t interested in knowing at the end of each day whether they have been compliant.
Most drivers want to know “will I be compliant?”, based on a proposal to do work (so a non-compliant proposal can be rejected or revised before a violation actually occurs). It’s a hell of challenge to build a computer calculator for this kind of question!
Personally, I just work on paper, and take a risk-based approach to monitoring the different limits, initially using rules of thumb. So for example, if my weekly rests always take place on weekends, and I haven’t used either of the driving time extensions since my last weekly rest, then I don’t need to even begin applying a complex system of calculation which can accurately determine, under all possible circumstances, whether I have one or zero extensions remaining within that fixed week!