Drivers appearance

Am I alone is being regularly left squirming at the appearance of some ‘professional’ drivers that rock up at places?

Maybe i’m just a a snob, but whats wrong with wearing clothes that are actually clean? Clothes that look relatively smart & tidy? Whats the deal with drivers pitching up for work & onto customers premises in dirty jogging bottoms & a sports t-shirt with the obligatory black hi-viz? I’d never dream of it.

I was in a queue at a goods in desk the other day & felt like I was in a soup kitchen. One group having a loud conversation littered with f’s & jeffs. Come on guys, lets look & act professional to get treated accordingly.

Couldn’t agree with you more. I’m sure some of them go to bed in their hi-vis. Saw one guy the other day with long hair, looked like he’d been using it to clean 5th wheel then hadn’t combed it for a month.
At our place we always have to look clean and smart even though I’m on nights and no-one see’s me.

What always gets me is the state of drivers safety boots/ shoes ,look like they’ve never seen a tin of polish,which does suprise me as a large proportion of drivers are ex forces

With the industry I work in its usually a band/tour tshirt of some description and a pair of jeans, 3/4 length shorts or dickies work trousers.

Always try to look as clean as possible though. At most of the shows I’m the first person the venue will see so I’m the face of the show and the company I work for. Most people realise I’m never going to look pristine but I at least try to make an effort.

But yeah, I’ve seen some tramps up and down the country. Again, due to the nature of my job you might go a day or at worst 2 without a shower but not out of your own choice. Even then I’ll use dry shampoo, wet wipes and deodorant to try and sort myself out. Some people just isn’t seem to care.

I put clean skeggs on every day :smiley:
Admittedly come Sunday getting the 7th pair over the 6th is a bit tight but I manage :grimacing:

What always gets me is the state of drivers safety boots/ shoes ,look like they’ve never seen a tin of polish

Never ever polished my work boots. Totally pointless when working in mud. I was surprised at how scruffy some blokes were when I delivered flour. One colleague was such a smelly git two blokes refused to work with him. Virtually all the agency mates who came out with me were tidy though.

I spotted a [english]driver the other day wearing a full old school shell suit , camouflage baseball cap,riggers ,and to complete the look,A BUM BAG :open_mouth: :open_mouth: he was also wearing a flashing earpiece so it must this summers agency look :neutral_face:

seth 70:
I spotted a [english]driver the other day wearing a full old school shell suit , camouflage baseball cap,riggers ,and to complete the look,A BUM BAG :open_mouth: :open_mouth: he was also wearing a flashing earpiece so it must this summers agency look :neutral_face:

Sure he wasn’t a scouser Seth? :smiley:

Saw one guy the other day with long hair, looked like he’d been using it to clean 5th wheel then hadn’t combed it for a month.

Thought that was me you were describing… except I haven’t combed in about 5 years lol

seth 70:
I spotted a [english]driver the other day wearing a full old school shell suit , camouflage baseball cap,riggers ,and to complete the look,A BUM BAG :open_mouth: :open_mouth: he was also wearing a flashing earpiece so it must this summers agency look :neutral_face:

Haha :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Because if you pay 6.85 an hour you get the dregs.

Because if you pay 6.85 an hour you get the dregs.

Bang on that, peanuts and monkeys spring to mind.


seth 70:
I spotted a [english]driver the other day wearing a full old school shell suit , camouflage baseball cap,riggers ,and to complete the look,A BUM BAG :open_mouth: :open_mouth: he was also wearing a flashing earpiece so it must this summers agency look :neutral_face:

Sure he wasn’t a scouser Seth? :smiley:

almost laughed my breakfast out of my mouth :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I had the very same conversation with a mate on Monday. I turn up in full black work clothes and my boots are virtually my trademark. A few weeks ago the health and safety manager said something along the lines of he will have to start polishing his footwear more if I am staying there :laughing:

Surely it depends on your job?

I’m not going to polish my boots when I work in muddy yards, landfills, demolition sites etc. Also my trousers will no doubt get dirty when climbing up and over the trailer for netting purposes. Then there is the donkey engine on some of the trailers that will spray you will oil/diesel every so often.

So I’m sure some drivers look down on me in the services but I’m fine with a bit of dirt. As long as my cab is clean to sleep in I’m happy.

What always gets me is the state of drivers safety boots/ shoes ,look like they’ve never seen a tin of polish,which does suprise me as a large proportion of drivers are ex forces

Old habits die hard, but there again, I was in the Guards.
I don’t “Bob” my boots to a high shine these days but do spit and polish them, I still make the effort!
Costs nowt!

Depends where I’m working and what the job is on what I wear.

But, a lot of the places I go to, as an agency driver, have either muppets or old school drivers working there (I’m not saying these are the same), which means the air suspension on the unit doesn’t get used, which means the front of the trailer and all suzi’s are covered in 5th wheel grease, which then gets on my jeans legs.
If you think I’m buying a new pair of jeans everyday to earn 65 - 100 quid, you’ve got another thing coming, they’ll get washed, but the nature of 5th wheel grease = stains on the legs.

If I’m on a firm that I know I’m unlikely to get 5th wheel grease on me, then I have a couple of pairs of decent work jeans and some Regatta work trousers that can be worn for those jobs.
Experience tells me which I’m going to wear, if I’ve not been there before I make a judgement based on the firms appearance.

Top varies between t-shirts I don’t mind going in the bin (but always clean), t-shirts I like and actual shirts, again depending on the job.

I don’t think I ever look ‘scruffy’ (may be wrong?) and I am clean and showered everyday (hence I won’t park in layby’s) but it’s not an office job, so a suit, shirt and tie just won’t cut it.

have always wore work trousers and polo shirts, yes I used to wear rigger boots but just from a comfort point of view.

and now I am in recruitment some of the drivers who attend for registration I can sit in an office with so they have no chance of being sent out to a client ( understand if they have been at work and don’t expect shirt and tie but a wash and deodorant would suffice).

it always amazes me that drivers for the sake of a quid cant take a bottle of air freshener to spray at the end of a shift so the truck don’t smell rank for the next guy.

Until I got my uniform (last week - been there since December :laughing: ) I wore a smartish t shirt and my old Tesco trousers…

seth 70:
I spotted a [english]driver the other day wearing a full old school shell suit , camouflage baseball cap,riggers ,and to complete the look,A BUM BAG :open_mouth: :open_mouth: he was also wearing a flashing earpiece so it must this summers AGENCY look :neutral_face:

Yeh it was Conor, he’s been to Primark :laughing:

Don’t go off on one Cons, only joking :slight_smile:

I quite welcome filthy drivers, it means why ever the majority are stinkin of ■■■■ and sweat and wearing rags and making the trucks smell, that the competition is rubbish. If I should be in this game another 30 years, it’s safe to say I’ll never be unemployed.
I’ve always thought it odd how the goods in drivers window is as substantial as any bullet proof set up in the most security conscious bank, but if I was on the other side ,I might be grateful of it