
Hi my name is Reef and im a recovering driverholic…

Ive been on (or should that be “OFF” ) the wagon now since November last year and…


Ive got to get back behind the wheel (of something other than my car that is)

At first i thought this is blooming great no more:-
Traffic jams
Transport Managers
Chasing the clock
High blood pressure
Whingeing Drivers (except on here of course :wink: )
Early starts
Late finishes
Rules and Reg’s (other than those set by my wife of course :unamused: )
Goods in folk
Fifth wheel grease
Agency driver grease ( sorry couldn’t resist :stuck_out_tongue: )

And the other 1000 and 1 things we love to hate about the job (I’ll stop now for fear of ppl thinking im Rob K under an alias :open_mouth: )

So all in all a cruddy job that no one in their right mind (especially after escaping) would go back to

but there you go its under my skin its an addiction a filthy habit and for some strange bewildering reason one i love and am itching to get back into

So ive been on the phone today and rung a few ppl and if you like will keep you informed of the progress and maybe dust off the digital camera and do a diary if and when i find something suitable.

Hello Reef and welcome to todays meeting.

My name is marcustandy and I am also a driverholic. I have in times past tried to come away from the transport industry and bearing in mind some of the low times and difficulties I have experienced you would expect it to be easy . . . . . but it isn’t!!

To deal with my addiction and to try to ensure that I only ‘drive’ in moderation I have tried different aspects of the transport industry. I feel that I have now found an inner calm that allows me to view myself as a driverholic in remission. My addiction is served, but controlled, by my move to a position that involves planning, training, road safety, accident investigation and H&S (a horrible ‘disease’ in its own right!!) while still being able to get behind the wheel occasionally. The move away from the addiction wasn’t easy but was worth it in the end. I am grateful to those who provided me with opportunities to move away from my addiction but it is still difficult all the same.

See you at next weeks Driverholics Anonymous meeting.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My name is Rikki

I have been told to slow down my driving activety for medical reasons but I have diesel in my vielns, and for all the crap times that driving brings, those that stick out in my , now somewhat befuddled memory, are the good times, the craic, the funny and the outright weird.

I now try to stifle my addiction by TruckNet UK, but every now and then I see the ferry leaving Teesport and the urge to just jump in a truck and drive on-board is almost overpowering !!

Hi am animal

due to medical reasons I have been taken off the road, for now at least untll further test :frowning: and yes im missing it and cant wait to get back :wink: