DriverHire Nottingham

So I gave them a call monday and explained everything about just having passed my test, no experience etc. and was told to go in today for a chat. Half expected to be promised the world etc. as I know someone put up quite a good post about agencies in general.

Anyway, the woman was lovely and very honest about what I should expect which I respect to be honest. I made it clear that I’m willing to be as flexible as humanly possible - vans/7.5, weekends, earlies, lates, mulitdrop, foodservice etc. as I need the experience. She said she would struggle to get me much class 2 work as I’ve no experience and I’m under 23 but asked if I would be ‘confident’ with a class 2 wagon. I said I’d be 1000% confident. She also mentioned that a lot of the work at the moment is ad-hoc and so the may get me out of bed if a job comes in early - which is fine.

She did say that despite the situation I’m in, there was a lad a few months ago who was newly qualified. Had some potential class 2 work and explained to them that he was a newbie but they said it was no problem and he’s been on class 2 ever since. At least there’s some hope for me then!

So to summarise, I feel they’ve been pretty honest with me and now I know what to expect which I think’s good of them really. I assumed that trying to be as flexible as I was that it would perhaps put me in a good position to get work since the more seasoned drivers can afford to be more picky with their jobs. Saw something on here a bit ago about a bad experience with driverhire but as they’re a franchise the Notts one must be pretty decent.

I’ve heard good reports of Driver Hire, Nottm ; I wish you the very best of luck. :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck chris hope you get a call soon once you have a foot in door there will be one day when you are the only driver holding that class 2 licence and you are in fingers crossed jennie x :smiley:

good luck chris .

Thanks for the kind words guys :slight_smile:

Only downside is, if they do get me any van or 7.5t work, it’s minimum wage! :open_mouth: (£5.80 p/h) Would’ve thought that 7.5t would at least be a little more…

Think posative chris_89 its a job + experience, youve got to start somewhere, and you can always keep looking for something better