Driver Timesheet Userform

Hi Everyone,

I am presently working on creating a worksheet for Drivers, it does not matter if you are self employed or working as an agency driver or even are in full/part time employment. This will be total interactive. I am hoping to have this in Beta stage in a few weeks and I am looking for 10 volunteers to be Beta testers. I would need feed back on all aspects of it and any new ideas that are not currently included in the workbook.

If it all goes well and all 10 people are happy then they would earn the right to have a fully working copy to keep for free, I will end up selling copies to other people for £2.99.

Features so far:-

ability to add start and finish times, which would then automatically work out overtime.
tells you how many 13/15’s you have done and tells you when you have do your max 15’s for the week.
tell you your 9 and 10 drives
input your daily VDO print out for ref and ability to print out.
calculate holidays
put in your company details for ref
works out your tax and ni
tells you what you should expect for either weekly, fortnightly or monthly pay
ability to store agencies that you work for and the companies that you have worked at through that agency.
you can print out your timesheet to keep in your records as back up if you wish.
if your pay changes at any time you can change it from the set up page.

these are just some of the features but would like to know if any else has suggestions that they would like to see.

this is my contribution to this industry.

please let me know if you are interested and would like to be a Beta tester. first come first serve.

thank you


Features so far:-

ability to add start and finish times, which would then automatically work out overtime.
tells you how many 13/15’s you have done and tells you when you have do your max 15’s for the week.
tell you your 9 and 10 drives
input your daily VDO print out for ref and ability to print out.
calculate holidays
put in your company details for ref
works out your tax and ni
tells you what you should expect for either weekly, fortnightly or monthly pay
ability to store agencies that you work for and the companies that you have worked at through that agency.
you can print out your timesheet to keep in your records as back up if you wish.
if your pay changes at any time you can change it from the set up page.

your a little too late
Ive already done it. Ive been using a spread sheet with all the above features.
Once rates are imputed, all you do is fill in is the start & finish time. the only real variant is whether your paid overtime after 8hrs, or paid at flat rate
it can also add up your weekly/monthly/yearly mileage
It also has the ability to calculate WTD on either 17 or 26 week basis.

As a plus point it cost me nothing …
I was gonna set it up as a database, but its easier to work with spread sheets

well im glad that im not the only one doing this, i did a similar thing a few years ago. would be interested to see how you did yours. this also is not costing me anything. i must admit i had forgotten the 17 or 26 weeks section lol

TBH both mine and yours are nothing but a worthless, record keeping exercise. Not recognised by such likes as HMRC
The only time it was useful was when it came to filling my P87 out, as it gave me a breakdown of total mileage that I could claim.
Now I have a number crunching accountant to do such trivial things, this leaves me more time to go earn the money, or go down the pub & drink beer

TBH both mine and yours are nothing but a worthless, record keeping exercise. Not recognised by such likes as HMRC
The only time it was useful was when it came to filling my P87 out, as it gave me a breakdown of total mileage that I could claim.
Now I have a number crunching accountant to do such trivial things, this leaves me more time to go earn the money, or go down the pub & drink beer

would i please have a look, i would love to see someone else’s perspective.

Could i please have a look, i would love to see someone else’s perspective.


Why it’s only the WTD part I’d like to look at


Anyway getting back to my ORIGINAL post request. i will be looking for BETA testers of my worksheet for drivers, first come first serve please

Put me down for it matey if you’d be so kind :slight_smile:

Thank you Midnightflyer noted

Good stuff!
as self employed, I have fields for:
distance travelled to the job
mileage tax allowance
night out tax allowance
daily subsistence tax allowance

Yeah not to concerned with self employed right now, that will be another project. I’m just doing Agency and part/full time employees right now.

Getting back to ORIGINAL post.

Hi Paul,

this sounds like a worthwhile project. I would be happy to be a beta tester for you, with excel running on either Windows platform or my preferred IOS platform.


Thanks Mark, will let you know when it’s ready for Beta testing

I’ll give it a go if you want. :smiley:

Dont waste valuable time and energy, there is already enough time sheets on the market without paying for an invention thats already available, dont mean to be rude, but thats the case.

So why the hell do u jump on other people’s post and hijack them, there really is no need for it. Besides its free to Beta testers I’m planning on selling them to people I work with. So please stop hijacking my posts ty

Ill happily test this out for ya mate but if you ever do the self employed I’d love that too as I am self employed and will be for the foreseeable future matey. Would you be up for a collaboration for possibly a iphone app??

Yes m8 I was only think about that about a week a go