Driver shortage

It costs a fotune to relocate people and then and only then with some guarantee that all this is provided up front would anyone consider taking it on… i think you need some concrete proof and then you might get some interest. :unamused:

I think this is funny he wants everyone to work for his agency and relocate for the same ■■■■ money being
Offered all over the country good luck with that

what areas are you needing drivers???what contracts and regular work do you have to offer??

No wonder they wont come back on here, your asking ( being nosey ) as to who their clients are, what they are willing to pay, they realise theyre talking to a bunch of half brains. Drivers use agencies if they dont want to work full time, they can choose their working days, companies use agencies cos it suits their needs as well, no work, they dont need drivers, loads of work, we need loads of drivers. Companies like Sainsburys, use a very big agency DHL to run their sites, and they in turn also use some agencies to send drivers for training/employment, and thats how a lot of supermarkets get their drivers, and if you have noticed, when a supermarket advertises for drivers, its always an agency you have to apply to.
Thats why an RDC doesnt want every one of their suppliers sending in goods and invoices, its done through a third party company, Sainsburys for example use ( their choice ) the name Profresh, and so it was established 4 main suppliers profresh South/North//East
West, and all the suppliers have to go through them, unless directly involved themselves, rarely will a supplier be allowed to use their own transport, some have applied, and been refused, and therefore have to pay the Profresh rate of transport, so you see my good buddies, thats how it works, and even if you dont like it, agencies have been around forever and a day, and will continue to be, because there is a role for them to play.

There are far too many agencies trying to get a slice of ever shrinking pie, and as a result are having to compete against one another in getting contracts and therefore cutting their rates to the bone which means cutting drivers rates, and as there is a lot of drivers wanting work they are having to accept lowering wages, one company in Grimsby that used to pay £8 per hour days is now trying to pay £7.60 per hour that is a cut of £20 on a fifty hour week if you get a full week. Is the agency cutting rates or the company? it does not matter to the driver a cut is a cut.

This parasitic industry needs to be regulated more firmly at the moment it is a free for all, and they are taking God knows how many jobs of the market, if you look at the job ctr website there is page after page of temporary jobs off ALL kinds, there are thousands of people living of the sweat of others.

people always go on about the bad side of agency working! although now i do work in recruitment i also worked for agencies as a driver they have given me a foot in the door to a few companies, work when I wanted it and days off likewise, i often earned more than the full time guys!

awr was put in for the right reasons but not very well thought out agency staff are happy to work for say abc transport at £9per hour when abc drivers are on £8.50 but whine and moan when they go tesco’s and swedish derogation means they get £9 and tescos get £15+ at the end of the day i know a great deal of people who have job now thanks to agencies. yes some are bad and some get it wrong and i am sure you could name them, but at the end of the day agencies are required its a supply and demand industry similar to haulage.

war74 makes some good points. Agency suits me, I drive part time, choose the shifts I want, not a lot through the summer but pretty much full-time in the run up to xmas, paid a decent rate (min 8hrs) compared to most mentioned on here.

Reading threads on this and other forums there’s nothing to choose between fulltime companies and agency, some good, some are OK and others are a bunch of rissoles. The forums and my own experiences mean that there are ■■■■ few companies I’d ever consider going fulltime for and almost all my shifts are for one of them anyway.

Agencies and their drivers have their place, some good some not so.

recruitment agency?
shouldn’t that be a,
recruitment company
or an
employment agency.

there is a legal difference, you can be one of them, but not both. :wink:

recruitment agency?
shouldn’t that be a,
recruitment company
or an
employment agency.

there is a legal difference, you can be one of them, but not both. :wink:

Should not be allowed to use either of the above, as they actually never recruit or employ anyone.
Unless of course they give you a contract of employment, the only reason they do this is to get around the useless AWR rules.

Im after some help if possible, I own a small recruitment agency and have the opportunity to gain quite a bit of business but finding available drivers is very difficult in the Cheshire area.

I’m sort of surprised that you haven’t worked it out for yourself.

Of course there’s the “opportunity to gain quite a bit of business”… everyone wants “cheap” drivers and any “small recruitment agency” who might be able to offer them, has the “opportunity to gain quite a bit of business!”

And why do you think that, “…finding available drivers is very difficult in the Cheshire area.” … apart from some of the answers already posted here? Maybe it’s because “available drivers in the Cheshire area” don’t want to be sold cheap by “a small recruitment agency.”

It’s not rocket science. I bet if you paid decent rates, you’d have the drivers but not the work.

Trying to entice people to move to “the Cheshire area” so they can be exploited by “a small recruitment agency” doesn’t sound that attractive to me.

So I’m wondering, if I relocated to Cheshire, what type of house I could afford to buy?

I see I could buy this modest two-bedroom terrace house in Wilmslow, for £180,000.

Or this two-bedroom flat in Nantwich for the same price

Obviously I’d need to be earning £52,000 a year to get a mortgage on them at current lending ratios, but if the OP can offer that then I’d be prepared to think about it. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

PMSL :laughing:

Come on Harry… relocating to Cheshire… means B.B in some sweaty dive at 15 quid a night where you come out scratching next morning after you had bread and dripping for your breakfast and luke warm stewed tea… i love my bed ! :smiley:

Here here guys, Harry is onto something…lol

Harry Monk:
Obviously I’d need to be earning £52,000 a year to get a mortgage on them at current lending ratios, but if the OP can offer that then I’d be prepared to think about it. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

:laughing::lol::lol::lol: quality post

i’ve done a lot of agency and the vast majority of the time it was spot on, i didn’t have any issues with the 3 or 4 agencies i worked for.

i got one full time job out of it and offered several, but decided to stay on agency.

there was only one firm that paid their own drivers more than i got on agency

some drivers want agency work, some don’t

some agencies are good, some are bad

agencies are in business to make themselves money, as is 99.9% of every other business and there is nothing wrong with that.

cancellations are part of the gig, it’s up to you to agree mutual terms of compensation.

agencies are effected by supply and demand just like everything else and that is what dictates the wages, so to the op, if you’re struggling to get drivers, then you’re not paying enough

I needed 5 days a week work to cover my bills and have a comfortable life when I was on agency. Did I get this ? The answer is sometimes yes but most of the time no I didn’t.

At the last minute of the day before, they would phone and say sorry that job got cancelled and we have already booked our other drivers on all the other jobs we had as its 4:30pm now.

So I was out of pocket it was a constant struggle. The day I become Fully employed by a proper firm I honestly thought all my Cheistmasses had come at once. Never looked back and can now relax unlike before

Moral of story is Drivers need work regular no matter what, but won’t get that often on agency

Come on Harry… relocating to Cheshire… means B.B in some sweaty dive at 15 quid a night where you come out scratching next morning after you had bread and dripping for your breakfast and luke warm stewed tea… i love my bed ! :smiley:

Ha …luxury

Im after some help if possible, I own a small recruitment agency and have the opportunity to gain quite a bit of business but finding available drivers is very difficult in the Cheshire area.

Is there an area in the country that drivers are finding it difficult to gain employment and they may be interested in re-locating if we were to assist them?

Might be a long shot! Just looking at different ideas. Any other ideas of attracting drivers would be appreciated - apart from the obvious…paying higher wages than everyone else!


welcome to the dragons den
how long have you been trading for and are you a LTD. company or not :question:
what kind of work do you have, direct customers or 3rd party from other agencies :question:
are you taking on C+E drivers whom have had there licneces for less then 2 years :question:
Im sending you a PM; if I get a responce from you then we will all take everything said above back :exclamation:

we are honest and can guarantee work

I can understand you not wanting to mention client names on an open forum but what sort of rates are you talking about?