Driver MOT's

Seen this on the interweb, What do you think?
Good idea or not?
will it get the blind burgers in their nissan micra’s that only do 20 off the roads? … dbed5.html

Good idea…
I have to have regular medicals to drive HGV and to keep my pilots license; so maybe the govt can rake in extra revenue by making everyone have 'em :smiley:

We have medicals every 5 years anyway (from age 45), so why not the same for car drivers? every 10 years is not frequent enough.


no it is more money for this greedy gov to waste

Every five years would be better, and foreigners exchanging their licenses should be required to take a medical at that point too, along with a UK Highway Code test.

I don’t see the need for a full medical, but I do think that drivers over 50 should have to provide proof of an eye test when renewing their licence.

Penalty for fiddling (not that anyone would do that of course! :wink: ) would be that driver loses licence for life and the optician or doctor gets fined as well.

I don’t think that older drivers are necessarily bad drivers, but many of us will be only too painfully aware that advancing age means deteriorating eyesight, and I sincerely believe that compulsory eye tests for all drivers would do far more to reduce accidents than Gatsos ever will.

Eye test - yes (a lot can be got for free these days)
A full medical - no BUT most places now have what they call a ‘well person’ clinic which is usually a nurse that checks the basics and takes blood for testing (usually takes about 10 mins) - that would suffice as the nurse could refer to the doctor if there was cause for concern.