Driver Missing since 25th Aug05

OKAY can we please help and keep a look out for the following person and his unit &trailer,

Last seen leaveing the CALAIS --Docks on the 25th–Augest–2005

He had loaded in Cardiff for Golbey in FRANCE and was to deliver the goods there,

the person answers tothe name of GERHARD BAYER age n/k

Height–1m80cm .—5ft–10in and is of a SLIM build

wears Dark clothing with a BASEBALL cap onhis head all the time
worn reversed,

VEHICLE-- Description A WHITE MAN TGA – Reg No ;KV-AX-635


TRAILER: WITH THE Transports company name on the sides



IF any one can help with any information it would be very much
appreciated, please contact either the nearest police stn or the folowing
Tel-no which is from the local german police stn in STRAUSBRG

— (0049)-- 03341/3300-----

Thanks very much, every little bit helps,

Pete. Sorry to ask, but is this someone in your own operation or a copy of a press release.

Not that it matters a great deal. Anyone missing is of vital importance. I’m just requesting clarification.

Do we know the nature of the load that was being carried?

krankee, its a driver from another company and the people on the site where i post in Germany asked if i would put some thing on this site
as hopfully some one may be able to help,as to what he has loaded
sorry i have no information, i wanted to post some pictures as well but i can,t seperate them from the statement on the site and not sure if i could post the report as it is ,the report is on a police site from germany,
Reference the load again what do we have in CARDIFF some steel works,computor,s, and other communication firms,but sorry no idea what he had loaded…
can i puta link to the police site here where it shows pictures of the driver and the complete transport combination,