Driver in a wheel chair

does any body remember a driver who used to do spain that was wheelchair bound, i think he was from yorkshire area and drove a volvo.

I used to see a Dutch wheel chair driver on P&O The deck crew always made sure they parked him where he could have room to get in and out his cab.

And there was an Irish guy with a green Volvo I used to see regularly on the Holyhead crossing and also Dover Calais.

RE OP I used to see him at BP macon about 10 years ago. he had a kind of crane that used to hoist him in and out.

RE OP I used to see him at BP macon about 10 years ago. he had a kind of crane that used to hoist him in and out.

yes that,s the same fellow, he would go round the truck in his wheelchair to open the curtains.

Seen him a couple of times using the hoist to get out of the cab at Pidou, think the last time must have been 5 years ago.

There was a nice bloke who did Austria every week who had one leg missing. He was half arsed about the job though

wasn’t there an article in T&D some time back about a UK haulier who converted a truck for one of his drivers who was disabled? I remember reading about it somewhere :blush:

there was a british driver with a wheelchair on the ferry from calais about 6 weeks ago. Not sure what he was driving but I think it was a volvo.