Driver hours and conditions

Being as it is 2017 and all, is it time driver hours were cut and a real look at conditions ie nights out week end work, proper places to rest and yes those cameras that look into cab along with other devices I think some things are getting out of hand

Being as it is 2017 and all, is it time driver hours were cut and a real look at conditions ie nights out week end work, proper places to rest and yes those cameras that look into cab along with other devices I think some things are getting out of hand

With u 100percent however a lot of drvers like 15hour days and all the unsociable aspects of the industry so back to banging your head against the wall im afraid

With u 100percent however a lot of drvers like 15hour days and all the unsociable aspects of the industry so back to banging your head against the wall im afraid

This 100%. As long as there are drivers that are happy banging in 15 hours and then parking in a filthy laybye ■■■■■■■■ in a carrier bag then this industry will never change.

I agree with the above


With u 100percent however a lot of drvers like 15hour days and all the unsociable aspects of the industry so back to banging your head against the wall im afraid

This 100%. As long as there are drivers that are happy banging in 15 hours and then parking in a filthy laybye [zb] in a carrier bag then this industry will never change.

Well i was happy banging in 15hrs today at time and a half…And i’ve no need to ■■■■ in a carrier bag or park in a layby…Nice quite ind est is alot better…Each to there own.

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…Each to there own.

If only, it seems we have to be judged by other’s standards nowadays. The fact that I’m quite happy to be paid for 3 hours while I wander around or read a book with the tacho on break is neither here nor there, some people don’t want to do it so they think I shouldn’t either apparently.

If that’s what you need to deal with then you need to find a better employer.

Would rather do a 15 hour day than be parked up at 3 in the afternoon after doing a ten. I don’t do this job because I like to spend my time of bored in a truck away from my family I do it so I can earn some money.

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How long does a driver spend in retirement?

Post Brexit surely the driver’s hours will be increased. This will combat any driver shortage.

Post Brexit surely the driver’s hours will be increased. This will combat any driver shortage.

Do you mean no EU drivers ?


Post Brexit surely the driver’s hours will be increased. This will combat any driver shortage.

Do you mean no EU drivers ?

In a small part yes. We are already seeing lads going back home, because the pound has crashed.

We can’t go to higher weights as our infrastructure won’t cope, so we will have the same amount of truck miles to with less drivers.

The only way is to ‘relax’ the Tacho Laws, so each driver can do more.

Unless of course drivers stood together and demanded enough money to make the job attractive.

Cut in driver hours… Not going to happen. Too many drivers and companies want the hours.Improvement in resting places… Something might happen there but it will be slow progress. Incab surveillance… Sticky black tape over everything! :slight_smile:



Post Brexit surely the driver’s hours will be increased. This will combat any driver shortage.

Do you mean no EU drivers ?

In a small part yes. We are already seeing lads going back home, because the pound has crashed.

We can’t go to higher weights as our infrastructure won’t cope, so we will have the same amount of truck miles to with less drivers.

The only way is to ‘relax’ the Tacho Laws, so each driver can do more.

Unless of course drivers stood together and demanded enough money to make the job attractive.

There’s no chance of that, they will work more hours for a lower rate I expect, lorry drivers are amongst the most generous of people. The UK transport industry is probably the biggest charity in the world.

Its not rocket science, there are many ways of beating the current system, mainly its called here’s a week’s notice because i’m off to a better job.

You don’t have to work 15 hour days nor sleep in layby’s, there is always another type of work out there, if good drivers leave companies with poor Ts and Cs and go work for better ones, eventually the situation will iron itself out, they can only dumb their operations down so much before it eventually becomes unworkable and bites them in the arse.

Some drivers want 15 hour days and live in the cab, and some extent in a still (for the timebeing) reasonably free society why not, its their life and each to their own, those lads probably wouldn’t want day or night work going home after 7 to 11 hours.

Its not rocket science, there are many ways of beating the current system, mainly its called here’s a week’s notice because i’m off to a better job.

You don’t have to work 15 hour days nor sleep in layby’s, there is always another type of work out there, if good drivers leave companies with poor Ts and Cs and go work for better ones, eventually the situation will iron itself out, they can only dumb their operations down so much before it eventually becomes unworkable and bites them in the arse.

Some drivers want 15 hour days and live in the cab, and some extent in a still (for the timebeing) reasonably free society why not, its their life and each to their own, those lads probably wouldn’t want day or night work going home after 7 to 11 hours.


Cut your own hours if you want but don’t assume all of us want to do less. I’m paid by the hour and I’m away all week, when I go out I go out to make money.



Its not rocket science, there are many ways of beating the current system, mainly its called here’s a week’s notice because i’m off to a better job.

You don’t have to work 15 hour days nor sleep in layby’s, there is always another type of work out there, if good drivers leave companies with poor Ts and Cs and go work for better ones, eventually the situation will iron itself out, they can only dumb their operations down so much before it eventually becomes unworkable and bites them in the arse.

Some drivers want 15 hour days and live in the cab, and some extent in a still (for the timebeing) reasonably free society why not, its their life and each to their own, those lads probably wouldn’t want day or night work going home after 7 to 11 hours.



I was not going to comment on this thread as I had said everything about this subject on Evil’s POA thread.
Also I find myself sick of banging on about it as it is like ■■■■■■■ against the wind as far as some driver’s attitudes are concerned. Not only that but I am sick of hearing myself going on about it. :unamused:

As for 15 hour days, I will do a 15 for my own benefit or for whatever reason…, get home, or if I am asked (nicely) or in a get out of jail free situation.
I do NOT look upon 15 hr days as many do, as a compulsory thing.
I have no intention of going back to maxing out every bloody week as I regularly used to, and I choose now to only do 4 and a half days, as after 30 + yrs I see things for what they REALLY are now, and not what I am told they are. :bulb: …but each to his own and all that.

In modern times there should be no question of a driver doing a 15 hour working day, and certainly not starting again after 9 off.
In my opinion a 12 and a half to 13 is more than enough, for any driver… with wages brought into line so nobody loses out.

However, if we suddenly woke up in our cabs one day, and found ourselves in Cloudcuckooland, the land where suddenly the NEED for some to do 15 hour days in terms of earnings, was eradicated by the powers that be, ie by the passing of a law that we were on realistic pay structures, … that meant we were getting the same amount a 12 hour day (with time and half etc) than what we are now for 15, you would still get some idiots wanting to do 15, or in some cases 23 and a half. :unamused:

You can argue about the need for driver’s hours to be this that and the other all bloody day, but it never ceases to amaze me that in this present climate of stringent Health and Safety, that is actually deemed safe for a 44 tonne truck to be in operation by a driver for 15 hours after having 6 or so hours sleep in his 9 off, with all the potential catastrophes this could, and in many cases DOES cause on our roads.

but it never ceases to amaze me that in this present climate of stringent Health and Safety, that is actually deemed safe for a 44 tonne truck to be in operation by a driver for 15 hours after having 6 or so hours sleep in his 9 off, with all the potential catastrophes this could, and in many cases DOES cause on our roads.

I could not agree more.

The problem we have is now we don’t have to adhere to the EU, those fantastic out of touch politicians we have in London, can make up whatever laws they want to solve a driver shortage.