Driver Hire

Anybody got any experience with this agency.
What they like to work for, and do you know what there paying for class 2.

Been working weekends for the York branch for the past 4 years - sometimes have lots of work sometimes non - see to be OK to me and always paid me on the next Friday straight into the bank.

Rates are not top of the tree but OK for me.

If you are looking for week day work in your area try RRS (Simon) on 07799754110.

if you do a search you should find that theres several threads on DH
Ive been working on/off for their sheffield branch for over a year, but recently the work has dropped off and is mainly C2 work. I regularly get calls asking me if im willing to go to huddersfield and work for the branch there.
Im mainly working for another agy, and have recently signed up with 2 others. so it looks like ill be asking for my P45 from DH v.soon.
the sheffield branch recently suffered a set back, as the 2 guys running the office Alan & simon left, and took a copy of the phone book containing the drivers contact details, so the owners are not happy

Anybody got any experience with this agency.
What they like to work for, and do you know what there paying for class 2.

I think DH will upgrade free to C+E with the usual contract

Experiences can vary because Driver Hire are a franchised network. I did a fair bit for Swansea branch summer 2006, not too bad but you had to keep an eye on the hours paid compared to what you actually worked. Always got sorted once queried but then again they knew I was an ex-consultant so no fooling me! :wink:

Getting night-out money back was a hassle too; best way to sort it I found was to hang onto the tachos (having already informed the client that you’d got them and why you were holding them) until they paid up. Plenty of work though and the rates weren’t too bad. I’d use them again as a fall-back option.

I’ve worked for Driver Hire Heathrow for the past Seven years.

I’ve been fortunate enough to get into long term, on-going jobs where I’m at a place for a year or longer. I’m with a very good company at the moment just off Heathrow Airport doing C+E work in a brand spanking new motor with good hours, good money and a good bunch of lads too…

I have however done the crud work too. There are times when the work goes quite, you don’t always get the jobs you want and you spend a few days at home. I always allow for this during the rest of the year and have a rainy day fund.

I’ve also worked for Driver Hire as a Consultant. As a group they are a very progressive company and can be a good resource for training on subjects like Digital Tachos, Work Times Regs, Drivers Hours etc etc…

As has been said, they’re franchised businesses. Some are good, some are not so good. I have worked for other agencies, but have always found Driver Hire to be that bit better than the rest.

I’ve worked for the Cambridge and Maidstone branches doing weekends and holidays. They both allways had work for me but most importantly, gave me the start and experience i needed to get going. Both branches were professional and very friendly.

DH Portsmouth pay £6.75p/h Class2 75p enhancement for any certs used ie: HIAB Moffet etc. I think that it`s very poor pay concidering what other agencies can offer. But becareful as other agencies may not be able to provide the work that DH can!!! :confused: :confused: :confused:

DH Portsmouth pay £6.75p/h Class2 75p enhancement for any certs used ie: HIAB Moffet etc. I think that it`s very poor pay concidering what other agencies can offer. But becareful as other agencies may not be able to provide the work that DH can!!! :confused: :confused: :confused:

Naturally. You’ve got to be very fortunate indeed as an agency driver to get good rates AND continuity.

It also depends on the area. Round West Wales, there aren’t too many driving agencies around so margins are pretty good. Of course, they do their best to pass their good fortune on to the driver… I wish! :wink:

DH southampton, rubbish money and little work
DH grangemouth, £7 for class 1? my holiday pay is more than that. i wouldnt touch them unless i was a newbie desperate for experience