I know most on here that have trucks only have the one but I wondered theses of you that have drivers did you pay for your drivers to do it?
Also any that have a few drivers did you get a discount for block bookings. If you don’t want to talk money on here I’d be grateful for a PM.
Round here drivers go un paid but the operator pays the dcpc cost from what I’ve seen.
I pay for the course, pay the driver and have the truck parked up for a day. So the driver can listen to someone telling them things they already know. Good idea this dcpc.
I pay for the course, pay the driver and have the truck parked up for a day. So the driver can listen to someone telling them things they should already know. Good idea this dcpc.
Have followed suit with some of the big boys round here
Paid for dcpc but if they leave with in 2 years they agree for cost to be deducted from wages (they also did adr and got 21 hours in that)
Last 7 hrs in jan
Also no pay for sitting it as if paid counts As work and buggers up weekly rest periods
Local big compAnies checked the law out first
Our company pays for the course and they are run on a Saturday and we get paid time and a half overtime for attending.
I for one appreciate the generosity.
Paid for and paid a full day to attend here, good employer appreciated by all but the usual handful of half wit numpties who’d winge if they were paid a £grand a week to lie in bed.
All training paid for, done in the week so paid 10 hours, travel expenses paid if not at depot and hotel if not local to depot
Pay for the course and pay drivers. We need ADR, so there goes 21 hours and we make up 7 hours here and there during the week.
Have brought a trainer in to deliver ADR + 7 hours + exams for the first week in January when half of them are likely to have no work anyway.
By the end of that week, around 75-80% will have the full 35, and the remainder will have 28 hours and we can sneak a few 7 hours in here and there.
We have clauses in the contract to recover part of the costs if the driver leaves.
Paid for my drivers courses apart from Crossrail which was 7 hrs DCPC but as as it was a working day paid his wages,weekend I paid for courses but was told that driver should show 7hrs other work to cover time on course,I had 14hrs paid for by insurance co for my DCPC it may be worth asking the boss if you can get same as some of the construction industry insurance co’s are offering this! failing that how about a few drivers getting together arrange a venue rest room, meeting room etc as long as there are tables & chairs/desks tea,coffee,sandwich’s, phone around a few training firms you should be able to do a deal!btw one of the boys bumped into Seamus Ryan about 4 week ago he’s still on FLT/360/JCB training living in Bexleyheath area, sorry should have got back to you before
I was looking into block bookings a few years back for the haulage company I was then working for. Basically it seemed that the training company priced it up to half fill the course. If you paid their fee for a days course and filled it, it worked out at about half the price per driver, in the end this is what they did and then offered any places left over to other haulage companies and drivers in the area for a lower fee than the training company was charging.
Where I work now the training is paid for by the company and as its during the week and I’m on a salaried pay I’m still getting paid.
I pay for my lads (only got two…) DCPC training, travel and wages for the day. They’re good lads willing to work and go the extra mile in the day to get the work done, so all’s good really.
But if I had ‘troublesome’ employees, I’d have second thoughts - got stitched right up with CPCS training back along then for two of the buggers to leave for the competition.