Just was wondering, does anyone have a link or and info on the case study part of the test?
Just not sure what I need to revise for it.
Theory and Hazard perception done, learning to drive next week.
The just the CPC stuff! woo!
Thanks all!
Just was wondering, does anyone have a link or and info on the case study part of the test?
Just not sure what I need to revise for it.
Theory and Hazard perception done, learning to drive next week.
The just the CPC stuff! woo!
Thanks all!
The theory book you studied from should do it, just brush Up on driver hours and any difficult stuff you have remembering . Goodluck
I wouldn’t bother with the cpc book in my opinion, I did and what a waste of £8.49, now if you are confident with your theory, which I was but got some stinger questions 91 out off 100, you will fly through the case study, I did it in 15 mins, with 49 out of 50,
So my advice is, revise up on theory, put in the effort you will be better off for it after receiving that pass sheet at the test centre!
I didn’t even bother trying to find any revision material for the mod 2. Basically if you passed your multiple choice you shouldn’t have any trouble with this.
A lot of the case study questions where similar to the multiple choice, just worded differently.
“John drives a bulk tipper, he starts work at 06:30” etc etc, basically along the lines of this for all of them.
Ah cheers all!
Going to book it tomorrow