Driver card

Is it a offence to forget to download drivers card within 28 days and is that info lost. All responses grateful

Yes it is.

Think of a card as being a conveyor belt for driving information.

The belt can only hold so much data before the data drops off the other end and is lost.

That would defeat the whole object of saving your driving information.

The downloader has a much bigger conveyor belt.

The newer cards store much more than 28 days worth on them

The driver must present the card for download to any operator they have worked for within the required time period but it is not illegal for the driver if the operator does not download it

Is it a offence to forget to download drivers card within 28 days and is that info lost. All responses grateful

A driver has a legal responsibility to make the driver card available for download, a company has a legal responsibility to download the cards data no later than 28 days from the last time they downloaded it.

Driver cards were designed to hold a minimum of 28 days of driver data, in reality the card will hold several months of data, it’s quite common for drivers to be able to read 9 to 12 months of data on the driver card even when the card is used 5/6 days a week.

So no the data will not be lost if it’s not downloaded every 28 days.