Driver card address change

I’m sure it must have been asked before but I can’t find anything on search.

Anyone know how to get the address changed on a digital tacho drivers card? I’ve sent my licence off in the usual way but can’t find out how to do the drivers card.

Also, if it has to be sent off, how do you go about driving while its away?

Thanks for any info

You get one of the forms, prob from VOSA or office at work or where ever to apply for a new DIGI card, same as the one you filled in, in the first place to get the orginal card. Fill in change of address, no fee

You have to pick up your new card with your new address, on the forum you state where the nearest VOSA centre is to pick up the card. They send you a letter out a few days later saying your card will be avialable from ***** centre from the 14th say. You go in supposed to bring proof of ID (but never asked me) and swap your old card for your new card.

I think you have to send the old card in to get it replaced - certainly do if it stops working. While it is away you have to take a printout each time you end your shift, although VOSA told me to make a manual record.
DVLA are pretty quick - usually have it back in less than a week.

Thanks all. I’ll get on to it!

I think you have to send the old card in to get it replaced - certainly do if it stops working. While it is away you have to take a printout each time you end your shift, although VOSA told me to make a manual record.
DVLA are pretty quick - usually have it back in less than a week.

Not for a change of address you’ve have to go in pick it up from the nearest VOSA office, then you hand in your old card and they give you a new one.

I changed my address a few months ago and this was what i had to do.

kennys right… i had to do this last month…
exactly the same way…

You go in supposed to bring proof of ID (but never asked me) and swap your old card for your new card.

Bit daft really when your photo is already on it :laughing: :laughing:


You go in supposed to bring proof of ID (but never asked me) and swap your old card for your new card.

Bit daft really when your photo is already on it :laughing: :laughing:

Thats what i thought, took proof anyways, thought no doubt i won’t bother then the person at the desk is gonna be a jobsworth and refuse to give me my new digi card.