Driver beaten & tortured by boss

Mersey delivery firm boss in court accused of kidnapping badly beaten lorry driver … ho-6265002

Don’t take a detective to work out what they were delivering .

Don’t take a detective to work out what they were delivering .

It would seem it does because I can’t work out what he was delivering ? LOL

Drive must have had his nose in the boss mans snout bag…

Pat Hasler:

Don’t take a detective to work out what they were delivering .

It would seem it does because I can’t work out what he was delivering ? LOL

Nothing legal

Yer all jumping to conclusions. He may have just told the boss he didnt want to do early starts any more and wanted more time at home with his family. The boss understandably thought this was too much and disciplinary action was needed. Perhaps the waterboarding after refusing nights out two months ago didnt make the blighter toe the line.
Torture some sense into them. We used to get alot worse than this when we had Atki`s and Scammels.

I thought only VOSA were aloud to hand out such punishments but only for loose ratchet straps.

I thought only VOSA were aloud to hand out such punishments but only for loose ratchet straps.

And a few winds of the landing legs

I’m guessing he got caught with his fingers in the till

Yer all jumping to conclusions. He may have just told the boss he didnt want to do early starts any more and wanted more time at home with his family. The boss understandably thought this was too much and disciplinary action was needed. Perhaps the waterboarding after refusing nights out two months ago didnt make the blighter toe the line.
Torture some sense into them. We used to get alot worse than this when we had Atki`s and Scammels.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Look on the bright side all you around Merseyside.

There’s a job going for someone…

Lorry driver with a diamond earring and a range rover, somehow don’t think he is on £7.50 an hour. Just a wild stab in the dark lorry driver sent over the channel to pick up a load, this load probably concealed a shipment of drugs. Something went missing or wrong and they blamed the driver who they tortured to see if he was involved.

Lorry driver with a diamond earring and a range rover, somehow don’t think he is on £7.50 an hour. Just a wild stab in the dark lorry driver sent over the channel to pick up a load, this load probably concealed a shipment of drugs. Something went missing or wrong and they blamed the driver who they tortured to see if he was involved.

Ere, did it say what year and model such items were?

Ear Ring - … 101392.htm
Range Rover - … ?logcode=p

Easily affordable on £7.50 an hour :stuck_out_tongue:

A stab in the dark can get you in trouble :wink:

He should of just done the night out.

Getting sliced up like that brings a whole new meaning to getting tipped.

A stab in the dark can get you in trouble :wink:
Especially in canal street Manchester :open_mouth:

I find it shocking how so many of you can treat what was no doubt an horrendous experience as an opportunity to crack a joke or two.

We are missing the most important point here and the question all of us are no doubt afraid to ask, in that during a kidnap and torture experience should our tachos be on POA, Break or Other Work… ■■

wonder if he knows the colour of the boathouse in Hereford?

I find it shocking how so many of you can treat what was no doubt an horrendous experience as an opportunity to crack a joke or two.

We are missing the most important point here and the question all of us are no doubt afraid to ask, in that during a kidnap and torture experience should our tachos be on POA, Break or Other Work… ■■

Quite right, poor show everyone.

Def Other Work, he wasn’t free to spend the time how he liked and he had no idea how long he was going to have to wait.

wonder if he knows the colour of the boathouse in Hereford?

There isn’t one :wink:

Quite right, poor show everyone.

Def Other Work, he wasn’t free to spend the time how he liked and he had no idea how long he was going to have to wait.

Sounds right to me just hope he makes a note on his printout after as a VOSA fine will be in cricket score territory for no daily rest/break, then the EU will stuff him for breaching wtd/rtd/wtf rules.

Perhaps asking your interigator / drug smuggling co-hort (allegedly) how long they anticipate having ones scrotum attached to the trucks batteries will allow POA to be selected.