Driver At The Door

How do you cure this problem at breaktime or when you’re about to leave? You know the sort…

Don’t have a problem with other drivers they seem none too keen to talk( no idea why :wink: :laughing: .

Pretend you’re really desperate for a crap and if you don’t go right away you’ll have to do the dirty deed in a bag and leave it behind the seat.

just tell him to ■■■■ off or you will name and shame on tnuk …

Pretend you’re really desperate for a crap and if you don’t go right away you’ll have to do the dirty deed in a bag and leave it behind the seat.

(I was there - SHOCKED TO SAY AT LEAST!)

I know a person who did just that in to a bag of ■■■■. A gent in Wolthorpe on the hill, near Stamford was banging on his window. He then decided to give him the bag and a bottle of coke and do one! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: The gent asking for food was seen to walk from the A1. He could not speak a word of English so I suspect he came from a back of a lorry. Nice welcome to England

I’d tell you to leave me alone and go about my business. :laughing:

Sat on a bay a while back when to my right backs on a left ■■■■■■ on UK plates, I could tell he was desperate to make eye contact and when I finally looked at him his opening gambit was “I hate driving in this country, don’t you?” . Deciding to nip this in the bud my reply was “have no eeengleeesh”.


Pretend you’re really desperate for a crap and if you don’t go right away you’ll have to do the dirty deed in a bag and leave it behind the seat.


Oh you miserable lot! Just come up with a reasonable reason, no need to be a douche about it.

I had one chap recently wait next to me for an hour without trying to talk to me while loading then the moment I’d done my last buckle up, he comes over & starts chatting, I just replied with, “I’m off now, bye.”

Driver at door or DAD,will always debrief you on the last two weeks itinery with great detail.
Included will be how many pallets,how long waiting and so on.Then repeat it three times but adding something else.
Most of the time it is a one way conversation.
He does all the talking.You can not get a word in.
When you do,he is not interested.
They run down other drivers and office staff behind their backs but would never say it to their face.
Then you get “Police got me.Vosa got me.”
I say show me the ticket.“Oh,the cat ate it.”

Good thing about being on a rigid is any decent sized farm gateway will do for a break. In an MSA I reverse back about half way to avoid being level with another cab. I don’t go right back in case I get blocked in.

How do you cure this problem at breaktime or when you’re about to leave? You know the sort…

If you have got a face like mine you have no need to worry not even the drivers i work with talk to me :neutral_face: :smiley:

Start bragging about how wealthy you are house is worth a few mill got a vast collection of super cars, and then remember to mention all the beautiful women you have bedded. You made your money as pilot or heart surgeon but you drive this old wagon just to get out of the house,that should do the trick.

Start bragging about how wealthy you are house is worth a few mill got a vast collection of super cars, and then remember to mention all the beautiful women you have bedded. You made your money as pilot or heart surgeon but you drive this old wagon just to get out of the house,that should do the trick.

There’s a bloke on here who has convinced himself that he’s got a Physics PhD, socialises with the higher echelons of society and used to be “a captain of industry”.

He delivers bricks on a lorry now though.

If it wasn’t so tragic it’d be funny. :laughing:


How do you cure this problem at breaktime or when you’re about to leave? You know the sort…

If you have got a face like mine you have no need to worry not even the drivers i work with talk to me :neutral_face: :smiley:

Same deal & love it

Is it just me (probably!) but things must have changed a lot if you have no time to chat? :confused: Being on your own all day it was good to have a natter with other driver’s when you were parked up for a break, tell a few tales and chew the fat, that was how you got to know about different companies etc. I suppose with the tinternet the art of one to one conversation is now a thing of the past? :unamused:


Earthline provide CBs Pete, so we don’t need to stop for a chat.
In MSAs I don’t associate with general haulage as being a tipper driver I’m not worthy.

Earthline provide CBs Pete, so we don’t need to stop for a chat.
In MSAs I don’t associate with general haulage as being a tipper driver I’m not worthy.

I’m glad you understand that and as a mere rigid driver your not fit to touch a super truckers frilly curtains.

Earthline provide CBs Pete, so we don’t need to stop for a chat.
In MSAs I don’t associate with general haulage as being a tipper driver I’m not worthy.

Didn’t mean talking to your workmates Nathan, drivers from other companies we used to chat to at breaktime. Having said that, we also had social events like darts competions etc to meet mates after work, whist or beetle drives for the womenfolk and Christmas pressies for workers kids as well as dinner/dances, probably that is now a thing of the past as well. :cry: Hey ho, time moves on, and I haven’t a clue what a MSA is either? :unamused:


MSA is Motorway service AREA and tipper drivers are king of the road,without them there would be no roads.